What if??

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
Dukesdad said:
What if we were really just a galaxy in someones thumbnail? puff puff pass

Dude...time speeds up when you turn on the light and slows down again when the lighter turns off....wait...there is no such thing as the present. There is only past and future. Once the future becomes the present, it turns right into the past...freaky huh?

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
heavenly was said:
What if...
the government of every country in the world (except for new mexico) Was really ruled by fish or amphibious reptiles?? / Also what if they found out that gatorade was harmful to your health? Would you still drink it? Maybe you could

Please feel free to give any awnsers or comments you feel to be appropriate. Thanks

Maybe you could...


Active Member
That MUST be some good s**t you all are smoking. Break out the bong and let everybody have a hit. :lmao:


LordStanley said:
The world is secretly ruled by the crab people and underpants Gnomes......

So your theory almost holds up, because Gatorade is only harmful when ingested with large quantities of vodka

kinda like...?


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