what in the hell?><



Re: ahhh

Originally posted by BuddyLee
ahh do i have to make ANOTHER announcement lol. i dont care what people think on here. i ONLY do it on here and on my msn messenger. its not like i do it on my job applications or school reports. with that said everyone silence about this or i will beat you over the head with the capital letter T.

*sharpens and prepares the capital letter T*:burning:

:tool: with a capital T.


Football season!
Re: Re: sorry

Originally posted by IM4Change
Once you get out in the real world, you don't want to type something up and look like a fool. JMO

I guess some of the people on here didn't get the memo :bubble:


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: ahhh

Originally posted by BuddyLee
ahh do i have to make ANOTHER announcement lol. i dont care what people think on here. i ONLY do it on here and on my msn messenger. :burning:
:confused: So, You do not care what people think of you on this forum; you get criticised for lousy punctuation, and a run-on sentence or two, then raise the red flag about being a poor "defenseless college student". lol

Son, what's your point? Are you trying to further your education on these forums? Trying to see if you can mentally compete with folks 10, 20, or 30 years older than you? lol

What I get out of this is: BuddyLee you you make the mistake of forgetting many, if not most of us, have been where you're at! lol

We've seen it before. Do you seriously think we were all born just last weekend, and that we should sit up and be impressed with your subject material? lol

Hint: Try a slightly different angle, and see if the responses you recieve change a bit. And lose the :burning: smilie, you'd go a lot farther that way. lol, I almost forgot!


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Re: sorry

Originally posted by BuddyLee
sorry but i just hate when people attack me and put me out as an ignorant college student.

Frankly, I would think, having gotten into college, even community college, you should be capable of proper grammar and punctuation. These rules were invented to make written communication clearer. It makes it so people can understand each other.

If you were 10 or so, maybe we would excuse you. For a while we had some 15 year olds here and they communicated better than you do. We had some nice conversations, they were not belittled and we expected them to speak/type/communicate in a coherent manner. Should we expect less of you? You are 19, you have made it through high school and into college.

Are we hiring you? Absolutely not. It seems to me you put a post up a few days ago looking for a job. A lot of people here have networked with each other and found jobs using the connections they made here. How many people responded to your post for a job by saying, "Sure, we have jobs at my company, send me your resume and I'll see what I can do" You better believe there are people here who know of such openings and could've done you that favor, but why embarass themselves?


Originally posted by tys_mommy
I thought Tigger siad her family didn't like to visit this site:shrug:

:biggrin: I was wondering when someone was going to make a connection to someone with that one.:biggrin:


Football addict
Re: Re: ahhh

Originally posted by penncam
:confused: So, You do not care what people think of you on this forum; you get criticised for lousy punctuation, and a run-on sentence or two, then raise the red flag about being a poor "defenseless college student". lol

Son, what's your point? Are you trying to further your education on these forums? Trying to see if you can mentally compete with folks 10, 20, or 30 years older than you? lol

What I get out of this is: BuddyLee you you make the mistake of forgetting many, if not most of us, have been where you're at! lol

We've seen it before. Do you seriously think we were all born just last weekend, and that we should sit up and be impressed with your subject material? lol

Hint: Try a slightly different angle, and see if the responses you recieve change a bit. And lose the :burning: smilie, you'd go a lot farther that way. lol, I almost forgot!

no im not trying to further my education on these forums otherwise i would be #### out of luck. futhermore take a look at my wording and writing and grammer and so forth. the only thing i see wrong is capitalization and maybe a little misuse of grammer which who cares not me. i get on these forums to see what others THINK about particular issues! so far i have learned that the people in this world or maybe i should put it (300 pound computer nerds that stay home all day and do nothing) are rather anal when they dont get something theyre way. now im sorry if you cant read it because you forgot your glasses or contacts but this is my style. like it or lump it! dont like it i dont care lol. and leave my little red mean guy alone lol. oh yeah if you werent impressed with my subject matter than why have i recieved so many posts in the first place. most in which didnt involve insults until people like you came on. alls i say is leave my style alone and just answer the simple question. if people were able to do the simple things in life what a great world we would live in!