What is it about having a baby...


Active Member
I wasn't. The only thing I had trouble with was remembering when I last fed her. :shrug:

Baha they have phone apps for that now! You can also tell it when they last pooped, peed, puked, napped and MANY other fascinating things.

But seriously... it really is more than a little terrifying to have such a tiny, cute little person totally relying on you for EVERYTHING. Even scarier knowing that they'll be looking to you as a role model as they grow up. I don't want to be anyone's role model... they'd drive themselves (and everyone else) crazy!

Plus there were lots of hormones involved. Lots. Stretchmarks usually don't help either. :yikes:


I bowl overhand
...that turns previously rational, sane women into raving lunatic control freaks for whom every little thing is a cause for anger and ranting?


The women that act that way were always that way, just when they are pregnant now they have an excuse for their bad behaviour that they'd normally keep under control..

An azzhole by any other name is still..


no longer CalvertNewbie
The women that act that way were always that way, just when they are pregnant now they have an excuse for their bad behaviour that they'd normally keep under control..

An azzhole by any other name is still..

So I guess you consider a woman's monthly PMS lunacy an excuse too, huh? I've always laughed at that actually because all the women I know who act like loons at PMS time are loons in general. It's just a little worse for those few days, which I've always told them is an excuse. :killingme