"Her story begins with Bernie Sanders — [during] his failed run for the presidency in 2016 [when] a campaign volunteer and Silicon Valley executive, Saikat Chakrabarti, began recruiting hundreds of progressives for House races."
"But a funny thing happened once her mastermind and chief of staff exited in August 2019, Ocasio-Cortez lost the heat on her fastball," he said. "Without the man behind the curtain, she stopped making a splash on social media, never goes viral anymore, her timing and wit vanished with her chief of staff. Most people no longer care what AOC has to say about health care while she makes dinner in her little apartment, and when she's pressed on real issues – she has no real answers."
"Did AOC run for Congress just to be famous? She's on the red carpet more than Ryan Seacrest," he said.
"But a funny thing happened once her mastermind and chief of staff exited in August 2019, Ocasio-Cortez lost the heat on her fastball," he said. "Without the man behind the curtain, she stopped making a splash on social media, never goes viral anymore, her timing and wit vanished with her chief of staff. Most people no longer care what AOC has to say about health care while she makes dinner in her little apartment, and when she's pressed on real issues – she has no real answers."
"Did AOC run for Congress just to be famous? She's on the red carpet more than Ryan Seacrest," he said.
Jesse Watters shreds AOC's political record: 'what is she doing all day in Congress?'
Jesse Watters rips Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for failing to accomplish anything meaningful for her constituents