What is Socialism?


New Member
Originally posted by demsformd
America is not a capitalist society. Yes we are a free enterprise system and yes our system is much more capitalist than socialist but what makes this nation's ideology so great is that we function under a mixed economy. Our system works and will continue to work. Socialism just makes everyone miserable and below average. It promotes ignorance and adherence to whatever the ruling oligarchy has to dictates. smcdem, socialism is not the answer to America's problems. We need reform, not all out chaotic revolution.
I'm not sure about US being a mixed economy dems. I know the UK is and our economy is different. Sure no country has true democratic Socialism because it is still a very new and bold idea. Remember marx wanted a slow natural change to socialism. The "communist" countrys that exsist today were all inspried but some type of militant revolution. Lenin is def. counter-marx. BTW today im 16!!! yay! and for my birthday present: the war!! haha


Socialism is not a new idea, it has been arround for a couple hundred years now.


New Member
That is still pretty new. It is aganist Marxism to begin a socalistic nation by revolution or military means.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Happy birthday, SMC! :bday: :banana: How come you don't have it listed on the calendar? We would have started a thread for you. In fact, I think I might do it anyway.