What is Up With Pax River????


Common sense ain't common
My husband is a Dyncorp aircraft mechanic. According to his bosses, the only way he would not be at work today is if the base was 100% completely shut down.


New Member
My husband is a Dyncorp aircraft mechanic. According to his bosses, the only way he would not be at work today is if the base was 100% completely shut down.

Mine took leave. Even though it's not really bad right now it might be by the time he gets off. Better safe than sorry I guess.


New Member
My husband is a Dyncorp aircraft mechanic. According to his bosses, the only way he would not be at work today is if the base was 100% completely shut down.

Heard nothing but bad about Dynacorp. But some companies have no sense as was also pointed out or care for their employees....But also understand work is work in this day and age...


Common sense ain't common
Where did he goo if the base is MEP only?

All I know is that the union president called up site manager last night after the announcement was made that the base was MEP only, asking for clarification on what people need to do, and the site manager said unless the base was 100% completely closed, they were to report in to work as scheduled. (Union president reported this on union lodge's FB page)
When did we become a nation of such wimps?

There is nothing going outside except a little rain and wind. A summer thunderstorm is worse than current and expected workday conditions.

Well, there won't be any flying so at least for people that support missions etc. it make no sense to go in. We could find stuff to do proably though. Clean up our desks and work places. Stuff like that.