What is wrong with people?


New Member
I remember a few years back when a child was raped. The citizens put up the bail for the guy,but the Judge wouldnt let him out on bail.

It seems they paid the bail so they could get this guy home for a hanging.


donbarzini said:
Hey Vrai!! We need a smiley for "rim shot"
Yeah, I had a blonde moment and couldn't remember what that was called....

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
Thats all right. The guys in the house get wind of the story they'll know what to do. And looking at the dudes mug shot the look on his face tells he also knows what he's in for when released onto the general population.


New Member
three things need to happen...

1. the child need to be placed in a loving home where he will never have to go through this ever again.

2. the so called mother needs to be made sterile so she will no longer be able to put another child through this.

3. the piece of crap boyfriend needs to be put in gen pop where he can have the crap beaten out of him on a daily basis after being made big bubba's prison biatch. then he can be put to death in the most slow and painful way possible


New Member
Y'all have this all wrong. Don't shoot him.

Put him in a room with me for 5 days. He'll be dead when it's time to come get em but not until he's cursed his mother for bringing him into this world. I'm his worst nightmare. :evil:

river rat

kris31280 said:
Oh for christ's sake... I'm not getting in to a pissing match with you about politics and gun control and a woman's right to choose and gay rights and civil rights and war and any of that other bull.

It is bound to happen sooner or later

Let's start sooner


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Y'all have this all wrong. Don't shoot him.

Put him in a room with me for 5 days. He'll be dead when it's time to come get em but not until he's cursed his mother for bringing him into this world. I'm his worst nightmare. :evil:
What is wrong with peop... 07-27-2007 07:55 PM oooh...you almost scared me...puke
I see I scared you enough to hide behind a keyboard and not to sign your karma. :smack: :killingme :killingme


Look my ass glows!
The BF is 28 the mother is 19-wanna bet he smacks her around too? He needs to be taken out in a field and be put down!


kom526 said:
What's your excuse?:shrug:
The rim shot sound at the end was meant to imply that it was a JOKE I was making...

It was completely uncalled for to be a douche bag.


Mikeinsmd said:
I'm curious to know how you learned the term "smib"??
Thanksgiving 2005 I was out on the boat with my dad and he turned on his radio. The guys on the radio started talking about Smibs and I turned to my dad and asked him what they were.

Since my brother moved out to Maryland in February he's constantly complained about Smibs.


We're all mad here.
Terrible. The poor little guy looks a mess...it's really heartbreaking to see a child like that...

I was a little curious and did a myspace search in Lake Vista for Keith Parker and got this. I'm pretty sure it's the same guy as a comment on his pic calling him a "sweetie" is by a 19 year girl. It's very tempting to verbally :smack: him, but I doubt he'd even care.