What problems women have with their hubby's friends?


New Member
Toxick said:

Wait till football season, my friend.

Remember when she used to make you nachos, and bring you a beer occasionally? Your Sundays are about to change drastically.

I've been married 13 years and I still make my dh football food! Mainly so I can stay in the kitchen and don't have to watch but I still make it none the less.


It's Great to be American
juggy4805 said:
Marriage is suppose to last a long time. You have to have friends and spend time away from each other. It makes the time you do spend together that much better. If you are around each other 24/7, Trust me it will get boring. I know this from first hand experience.

I worked with 2 people who were the best of friends but they weren't married. They did everything together. They lived together, played together and worked together. I think the word is inseperable. They finally decided it was time to get married and after they did they couldn't stand each other.

I think this happened because as long as they weren't married they knew they could leave the relationship at any time. Once they were married, that option no longer existed. The marriage lasted all of 2 months and after the breakup, they didn't speak to each other.

I relationship can't grow unless the two people have time away from each other once in a while. This means that they must trust each other enough to have friends and activities outside of the marriage.


I like it when my hubby does stuff with his friends. It gives me the chance to do stuff with mine! I wouldn't run off to the movies with my best friend and expect my husband to sit at home waiting for me! If he heads out on the bay fishing with his friends, it gives me a chance to clean house, or just relax... which can be nice sometimes!


New Member
Hello everyone thank you for replies...

what is it mean by Okay? you mean she is right??

Maybe because hubby's friends are hotties and she is scared of what she might do??
You mean hubby is not hot? :larry:

Friends are forbidden after marriage.
How fair it is with friends???

she might think her hubbys friends are turning him into an idiot

Dear David:

Have you tried talking with her about this or do you just leave her notes? I'm thinking if you are leaving her notes, she has no clue what you're talking about.
It's just not about one .... it's about women... :razz:

Maybe she is afraid of you going on the down-low.
like how??

You're asking the wrong people.......ask her.
well its about women not just about my girl...

Basic insecurity.

Typically guys' pre-marriage friends are single and still hitting the bars for butt. Wifey may have met you on one of these butt-hunts, but now she wants you to only have married friends, stay home and behave yourself.
well may be or may not be.... we go to the bars on weekend... but she don't like friends around....mmm

Marriage is suppose to last a long time. You have to have friends and spend time away from each other. It makes the time you do spend together that much better. If you are around each other 24/7, Trust me it will get boring. I know this from first hand experience.
Exactly....well said..


Wait till football season, my friend.

Remember when she used to make you nachos, and bring you a beer occasionally? Your Sundays are about to change drastically.
how??? let me know..

You've been owned, get used to it.
I love to be with her but not all the time.....thats what my point..

You, Me and Dupree speaks volumes about this!

BS Gal
Your friends are probably all dorks. She just put up with them until you married her. Now you have to have "couple" friends. Check with the jeeping lady.

Have you heard of J L King? I know a lot of wives got suspicious of hubbies friends after his story came out.
never heard will you share with me???

Are you Asian?

Only if you want to lose all your friends.
Its not going to happen...

I beg my husband to hang out with his friends.
God you girls........hahahah


Love and Relationships


Baby blues
I'm thinking he's the "Friend" that another guys wife wants to go away! :lmao: Because he's bringing her husband down.

David >>> Is English not your first language? :coffee: I'm just taking a shot in the dark here....