What should I use?


b*tch rocket
itsbob said:
REALLY?? WOW, you must be a LOT older then I thought you were...
:smack: :mad: My oldest is 14 and that was the advice, always on the tummy because on their backs if they spit up they could choke on it. :shrug:

Quite frankly, I don't think it matters either way. :ohwell:


My youngest is 9, and the advice was to place him on his back. I couldn't do it (he was a choker/spitter from the get go) He slept strapped in his carseat right next to my bedside for the first 6 months. Sitting up was safe in my mind. :lol: After that, I used the "wedge" to keep him on his side.

Tracey? Neither one of mine would ever take a pacifier. I ended up with one attached to my teat 24/7, and the other was a thumb sucker. Good luck!


pretty black roses
I am not sure the type of pacifier you are using but with Odie we used a Nuk, not the pointy one either. She was able to keep it in her mouth a lot better.

And she always slept on her tummy. That is the only way that child would go to sleep.


yeah yeah
Ireland adores her binkie! The way I keep it in, when she has it in I prop her hand on the front of it- and she actually pushes it against her face- and holds it there.


I bowl overhand
jwwb2000 said:
I am not sure the type of pacifier you are using but with Odie we used a Nuk, not the pointy one either. She was able to keep it in her mouth a lot better.

And she always slept on her tummy. That is the only way that child would go to sleep.
My oldest used a Binky.. same shape as the Nuk.. (although I've NEVER seen a womans nipple shaped like THAT).. and she wouldn't go anywhere without it for the first two years, but she would only take it upside down.. when she was about 5 or 6 months, (maybe younger) I'd put it in her mouth, and she'd flip it over so it was upside down, without using her hands.


Salt Life
Christy said:
See, when my kids were babies they said NEVER lay them on their backs always on their tummies. :shrug: I pretty much did the side laying, with a baby blanket rolled up behind them for support.
I always laid K on her tummy, and my mom laid all her kids on their tummies. I never listened to the medical community because they can't make up their mind. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
My son has always slept on his back. At 21 months, he still does most of the time. He only got his binky (Nuk) when he was going to sleep. By 9 months he only wanted it at night. By 12 months he was done with it. That was perfect. I wanted him to lose it by time he was walking.

I saw a child about 3-4 years of age in Target the other day with a binky in her mouth. Am I the only one who thinks that there is something wrong with this?



New Member
Try it....my grandmother just told me this the other day for my daughter. I can rember my mother doing this to. babys always sleep better on their belly's to. Mine is 8 1/2 weeks and she does better on belly than on back. sometimes on side is ok. I am the oldest of 6, we all slept on our belly and we are still here. lol