What time you get off of work? POLL

What time do you get off of work?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I get off a different time each day. It is supposed to be at 4:30 (except my alternate CWS day which is 3:30) but with overtime I rarely get out as scheduled.


Well-Known Member
Thank you

Thanks for helping, but can all who post please vote on the poll so i can print it out when i'm done.


It depends on when I come in. The days that i can manage to get in here at 7, I leave at 4. The days I don't come in until 9 it is 6.

Also it depends on how much work I need to get done.


Set Trippin

I just "got off" at my desk, but 1139 is not a choice in the poll...:ohwell:

Nevermind... I picked before 3...:jet:


24/7 Single Dad
0615 to 1615 (4:15pm for you non mil-spec types) with an hour for lunch. On CWS Fridays, start time is 0715.