What to do?


I am so very blessed
Ok.....loads of information exist on hair styles and hair care products for particular hair types, i.e., hair that is stick straight, hair that is nappy, hair that is curly, wavy, flat, thick, thin, full, layered, bobbed, etc.

But what is the best way to style your hair when you have very little of if in the first place?

Due to horrible hair genes, I am stuck with not much hair. What hair I have tends to be wavy and and the individual strands are somewhat thick; I just don't have very much of it. It is especially thin up near my forehead.

I currently have shoulder-length hair with longish bangs. I hate it, and am ready to try something new. But I am at a loss on how to select appropriate styles for me.

Anyone have any clues on styles that might help camoflage the negatives and highlight the positives? Easy and quick is essential. I'm tired of ponytails and clips.

I am so jealous of women who have thick luxurious hair. :bawl:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I have ultra-thin hair, also, straight, flat. It sucks. I just keep my hair really short, as it gets stringy when long. BTW, I thought you had nice hair.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'd tell you to crop it off really short and go with the elegant butch look, but I don't think it would suit you. This lady had that cut at the show last night, but she looked like more of a ballbuster type that would have a military flattop.

If keep a semi-permanent color on your hair, it's not damaging and it fattens the hair up a bit. And a shorter cut (but not the butch thing above) will make your hair appear fuller as well.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BS Gal said:
I just keep my hair really short, as it gets stringy when long.
Now, see, you have a short-short cut but it doesn't look butch - it looks great and suits your face. My Mom can wear really short hair, too. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And now I have to retract that "military flattop" comment because my best girlfriend has a cut like that and looks very feminine.

But the lady last night still looked like a ballbuster.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
vraiblonde said:
Now, see, you have a short-short cut but it doesn't look butch - it looks great and suits your face. My Mom can wear really short hair, too. :yay:
Why, thank you Ms. Vrai. I can't go long at all. And short is so friggin easy to deal with.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BS Gal said:
And short is so friggin easy to deal with.
Jani (my girlfriend) jumps out of the shower, runs a smidge of gel through her hair, gets dressed and walks out the door. :yay:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
BadGirl said:
Ok.....loads of information exist on hair styles and hair care products for particular hair types, i.e., hair that is stick straight, hair that is nappy, hair that is curly, wavy, flat, thick, thin, full, layered, bobbed, etc.

But what is the best way to style your hair when you have very little of if in the first place?

Due to horrible hair genes, I am stuck with not much hair. What hair I have tends to be wavy and and the individual strands are somewhat thick; I just don't have very much of it. It is especially thin up near my forehead.

I currently have shoulder-length hair with longish bangs. I hate it, and am ready to try something new. But I am at a loss on how to select appropriate styles for me.

Anyone have any clues on styles that might help camoflage the negatives and highlight the positives? Easy and quick is essential. I'm tired of ponytails and clips.

I am so jealous of women who have thick luxurious hair. :bawl:

Your av is killing me with this thread. :lmao:

Have you considered cutting it short and purchasing a few stylish hats to wear when you go out?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
vraiblonde said:
Jani (my girlfriend) jumps out of the shower, runs a smidge of gel through her hair, gets dressed and walks out the door. :yay:
:yay: That is my morning routine. It's great!


I am so very blessed
Sharon said:
Your av is killing me with this thread. :lmao:

Have you considered cutting it short and purchasing a few stylish hats to wear when you go out?
I've considered pulling out my hair myself strand by strand, but the thought of pain scares me too much.

And as to the av, I could only wish I had that kind of thick hair. Well, not *that* kind of hair, but I do wish I had really thick hair.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
BadGirl said:
I've considered pulling out my hair myself strand by strand, but the thought of pain scares me too much.

And as to the av, I could only wish I had that kind of thick hair. Well, not *that* kind of hair, but I do wish I had really thick hair.
My sister does. It pisses me off so I pull it when I see her every year. Last year I made her ride in the convertible with the top down in the back seat all the way to OBX. She whined about her hair blowing all over the entire time. :lmao:


Cleopatra Jones
I think this is adorable but it may be too drastic to do all at once. The concept is good though. Pull hair from a thicker part to cover the sparse areas.



My Sweetest Boy
pixiegirl said:
I think this is adorable but it may be too drastic to do all at once. The concept is good though. Pull hair from a thicker part to cover the sparse areas.


Are you suggesting a ......



Cleopatra Jones
cattitude said:
Are you suggesting a ......


:buttkick: You would find a way to make it mean. And you wonder where I get it from! :razz: :huggy:

Don't you think for hair that's thin in the front that this would work well?


My Sweetest Boy
pixiegirl said:
:buttkick: You would find a way to make it mean. And you wonder where I get it from! :razz: :huggy:

Don't you think for hair that's thin in the front that this would work well?

I just wanted to see if you put me on iggy. :huggy:

Honestly, I dunno. I'd definitely cut it above the shoulders though. I'd think those hairstyles would work better with thick hair. I'd have to sorta play with her hair to get an idea of what would work...you know..how the hair "wants" to lay, etc.