What to do...


Throwing the deuces
Thanks, I really try to encourage him to tell the truth, I always tell him he will get in more trouble if he lies. So as soon as he gets off the bus he tells me if he did anything wrong that day before I open his school binder and see what color he got for the day...
He is a great kid but does get carried away easily

So does my son. He's not good at hiding his emotions anyways so sometimes I can tell before he even tells me.


New Member
Yesterday my son 6 y/o got off the bus and said he got in trouble because he hit another boy in the face and the other boy hit him in the face, he said they were play fighting. I told him not to "play Fight" anymore. He said ok and that was the end of the discussion.

So just a few minutes ago the school principal calls and tells me he got a bus referral for hitting another student in the face. She goes on to tell me he and they other boy both said that they were play fighting and that she had already had them in the office and talked to them. She asked if I could just reinforce this at home. Of course I will but should I punish him. Afterall he did tell me and they were play fighting but should I punish him for it?

Seems to me you handled it fine. I would let him know that the school called so he knows there's good communication going on. Did you tell the principal that he'd already told you and you'd already had "the talk"?

I don't think they want you to punish him so much as just make sure it's clear to him everyone is on the same page.