What Would Martial Law Because of Wuhan Look Like?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I am looking for discussion on how far people think this will go.

I think they'll go as far as we allow them to, and at this point that seems to be very far indeed. As mindless bots panic even more, that point will become unfathomably endless.

I'm realizing how much power the government has over us, who I thought were FREE AMERICANS!

Roughly half this country doesn't want to be free. They want Nanny government to take care of them and tell them what to do. These are the people who have to be told how to wash their damn hands.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hogan has an update scheduled for 11 am today, 16MAR2020

He will no doubt declare martial law and shut down everything he thinks he can get away with. Prevent us from gathering because he knows his history and knows that if we get together he'll find his fascist head on a pike.

Why do you think they want to isolate us?


Well-Known Member
He will no doubt declare martial law and shut down everything he thinks he can get away with. Prevent us from gathering because he knows his history and knows that if we get together he'll find his fascist head on a pike.

Why do you think they want to isolate us?
