What would you do?

If the beloved person knew they were dying BEFORE they you met and didn't tell you, then that would not go over well with me.

That's a tough one. I don't think we can expect someone that is dying (especially if we're talking about it being 2 years away or something like that) to make that the first thing they tell people that they meet. So, you start to form a relationship with someone and realize that, at some point, you're going to have to tell them - I can imagine that it would be tricky figuring out at what point you need to tell various people. I'd agree it should be fairly early on if it seems like a significant, perhaps lasting, relationship might form. But when exactly? If it wasn't obviously well beyond the point that it should have been disclosed, I think I'd be inclined to cut the person some slack on that one.


PREMO Member
Would you walk away, knowing that the relationship has an expiration date ....

everyone has an expiration date, most don't know when there's is coming .. you could be wiped out by a dump truck running a red light today

Enjoy the ride ....


Active Member
Maybe in the next two years, a cure might be found. Miracles do happen, and there might be one in store for this person.


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow is never promised to any of us. You could just as easily die within those two years as he/she may or may not. If you treat every day as the last, you'll have many great days ahead of you!


Active Member
No one is guaranteed to wake up every day; life makes you no promises. One of you could be hit by a bus today.
Like Janis Joplin said "get it while you can".
I think I would live and love today and not sweat tomorrow.

Yeah, that. You could be hit by a bus tomorrow and the person with the terminal illness could be mourning you for the rest of their life. No guarantees in life, don't sit around waiting for one or you'll waste your life sitting around.


Lem Putt
Would you walk away, knowing that the relationship has an expiration date, or would you enjoy it for as long as it lasts? Would the joy of the love and commitment you have outweigh knowing for certain that you will not grow old with this person?

Would the answer be any different if you had been married to this person for 20 years? This can happen at any time. Once the bond has formed, walking away due to illness is the same whether you have known them 50 days or 50 years.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
My Uncle's ex-wife married another man after their divorce. Not too soon afterward, he found out he was ill. She divorced him. Her line of work you ask? She's a divorce attorney.


RBF expert
My Uncle's ex-wife married another man after their divorce. Not too soon afterward, he found out he was ill. She divorced him. Her line of work you ask? She's a divorce attorney.

But was there a reason for her divorcing him after they found out about his illness?

What do you do when you're married to some azzhole and right before you serve him those papers, he finds out he has cancer :shrug:

Do you continue with the divorce bc you honestly can't stand the thought of living with him anymore? Do you wait until he's better? Unless people around you know your entire situation, if you leave - before or after - you're going to come out looking like a heartless biatch either way. :ohwell:


RBF expert
Even if he weren't sick, he'd still paint you as a heartless bitch to anyone who'd listen to him, so dump his ass with a clear conscience.

Completely agree. I don't need some douche spreading the word about my bitchy ways. I can do that myself.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Her having to abide by the sickness and on health wasn't part of her bargain. I never did like her.


You meet a man/woman and hit it off immediately, just click on all levels and it's incredible. Then your beloved informs you that he/she is terminally ill and likely won't last another (let's say) 2 years.

Would you walk away, knowing that the relationship has an expiration date, or would you enjoy it for as long as it lasts? Would the joy of the love and commitment you have outweigh knowing for certain that you will not grow old with this person?

How much money do they have?