Whatcha think about DoWhat


  • Ghey as he wants to be

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Gheyer than most

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • As ghey as his av

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Pray for him, he's just ghey

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Not ghey, just a goober

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
DoWhat gives everybody an opportunity to ba an a$$. An equal oportunity A$$hole provider, if you will. It wouldn't be the same forum without him/her. The world is full of DoWhats, so embrace the fact he/she's an a$$, and know that deep inside DoWhat is a kind soul that just needs a kick in the butt sometimes.


New Member
DoWhat is a lonely man in desperate need of approval. He's discovered that those on the forums with a caustic wit win the popularity contest here and so, he tries to emulate them.

Unfortunately, most of his attempts fall flat. Most of the time, rather than take advantage of opportunities when people leave themselves open, he creates things out of thin air. The result is, he'd just not funny. :shrug: He does occasionally come off as mean, but if you read his posts as a whole, he's just sad.

He only receives validation on occasion when people fail to see how shallow he is and react to his insults, or create a thread about him, pointing out the lameness of his posts.


Originally posted by Lucy
DoWhat is a lonely man in desperate need of approval. He's discovered that those on the forums with a caustic wit win the popularity contest here and so, he tries to emulate them.

Unfortunately, most of his attempts fall flat. Most of the time, rather than take advantage of opportunities when people leave themselves open, he creates things out of thin air. The result is, he'd just not funny. :shrug: He does occasionally come off as mean, but if you read his posts as a whole, he's just sad.

He only receives validation on occasion when people fail to see how shallow he is and react to his insults, or create a thread about him, pointing out the lameness of his posts.

Lucy; I think you have fat chick syndrome.


New Member
She went psychological on that azz! :clap:


Originally posted by Lucy
DoWhat is a lonely man in desperate need of approval. He's discovered that those on the forums with a caustic wit win the popularity contest here and so, he tries to emulate them.

Unfortunately, most of his attempts fall flat. Most of the time, rather than take advantage of opportunities when people leave themselves open, he creates things out of thin air. The result is, he'd just not funny. :shrug: He does occasionally come off as mean, but if you read his posts as a whole, he's just sad.

He only receives validation on occasion when people fail to see how shallow he is and react to his insults, or create a thread about him, pointing out the lameness of his posts.


New Member
Originally posted by nomoney
Lucy; I think you have fat chick syndrome.
Ah, this is a prime example of what I was talking about. You see, my earlier post about DoWhat could apply almost word for word to Nomoney as well.

For example, what does my post have to do with "fat chick syndrome?" And what is that anyway, certainly not a clinical term. I presume you mean to say that overweight women have a tendency to display certain behaviors and characteristics, perhaps insecurities.

So basically, I read this post as saying, "Lucy must be fat because she doesn't find DoWhat funny." However, I fail to see what one has to do with the other. I'm :confused: I'm thinking, "what this somehow funny? I don't get it." "Perhaps, it's Nomoney's attempt to illustrate my post by imitating DoWhat."

This second thought was quickly dismissed, because Nomoney is another individual, desperately seeking approval, and incorrectly thinking she has the wit to make insults funny. Another one failing miserably because the insults come from no where, with no basis and no opening to fill. Insults created to make her feel one of the gang by targeting those she perceives as low on the ladder of popularity and hence those she can step on to get higher.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Lucy

For example, what does my post have to do with "fat chick syndrome?" And what is that anyway, certainly not a clinical term.

It's a Pixieism ...maybe you missed that post a while ago. :lol:


Cleopatra Jones
Fat girl syndrome is when someone acts out because they themselves have been bullied. Like a girl who at one time was fat and got picked on then loses weight and feels the need to pick on other fat girls to make herself feel better.

I told nomoney a long time ago she had Fat Girl Syndrome. She obviously liked the anology because she's still using it.


New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Fat girl syndrome is when someone acts out because they themselves have been bullied. Like a girl who at one time was fat and got picked on then loses weight and feels the need to pick on other fat girls to make herself feel better.

I told nomoney a long time ago she had Fat Girl Syndrome. She obviously liked the anology because she's still using it.
I see, she is suffering from transference. The need to assign one's own faults to another person as a means to deny that they apply to oneself.


Originally posted by Lucy
I see, she is suffering from transference. The need to assign one's own faults to another person as a means to deny that they apply to oneself.

:twitch: I married one JUST like that. :banghead:


New Member
Originally posted by justhangn
:twitch: I married one JUST like that. :banghead:

I believe that the term "projection" is used when one projects their own feelings of inadequacy onto someone else.

por emplo:

I think I'm dumb, therefore I call you dumb.


Originally posted by Lucy

This second thought was quickly dismissed, because Nomoney is another individual, desperately seeking approval, and incorrectly thinking she has the wit to make insults funny. Another one failing miserably because the insults come from no where, with no basis and no opening to fill. Insults created to make her feel one of the gang by targeting those she perceives as low on the ladder of popularity and hence those she can step on to get higher.

I resent this remark. I don't pick on low ladder peeps; just stupid ones. :shrug:


Set Trippin
Originally posted by DoWhat
I am so sad.
I was out all day yesterday.
Glad to see that you all had fun.
I will no longer post my comments.
I think I may have to leave this forum.