Whatever happened to...


American Beauty
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
pixie would say you have "ugly girl syndrome"

Well then, so be it. I have never ever considered myself anything special. I am happy with being average. :diva:


wandering aimlessly
CMC122 said:
That's lovely. Where does my developed 12 year old that dosen't wear make up fall in?
That was me at 12! :lol: Since she's yours and is well behaved and doesn't wear "look at me" clothes, she may not get the attenion she deserves. The longer she avoids the makeup the better her skin will look as an adult.

They seem to be chasing the full blown tartettes (makeup counter applied to face) that wear skin tight clothes and have the seductive pics and suggestive verbage attached to their IMs. Come to think of it they're alot like the guys here on the forum. :lmao:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
That was me at 12! :lol: Since she's yours and is well behaved and doesn't wear "look at me" clothes, she may not get the attenion she deserves. The longer she avoids the makeup the better her skin will look as an adult.

:yeahthat: No hootchie crap for my kid. They grow up fast enough, no reason to help them do it sooner.


New Member
Ninetysixdelta said:
Well, the budget affects a great deal of things, if even indirectly. There's a cost of time as well as money in holding these parties. When curriculae are drawn up, among the first items that can be struck out to make room for instruction time are parties, field trips, etc. It's almost as if such activites are being viewed as wastes of time.

In essence, from a business standpoint ("bottom line" education), having something that both costs money (if even just a little bit) and a class period or two with no quanitifiable benefit to the school doesn't seem very attractive at all.

Federal Law....No Child Left Behind


INSCOM, 2000-2004
Greyhound hit the nail on the head. Ahh, the No Child Left Behind act. No children left behind... just the arts, extracurricular activities, dances, parties, non-cash-cow sports, and soon the last semblance of humanity in the education system.


Back in the saddle
My son had a halloween party at school. All though the kids could not dress up, there were able to go little crafts and decorate cookies. I helped out with the halloween party. It was so much fun, being able to meet all his little friends. I'm sure they had a "Holiday" party as well. They are also having a V-day party next week, they are making Ice cream sundae's :drool: and exchanging little valentines.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I kinda wished they STOPPED them after a while, especially the Valentine's ones. I opted OUT of giving them out right around the fifth grade - it felt weird not only getting valentines from people that didn't like me (and I didn't like them either) but also getting them - from *EVERYBODY*, including the little boys.

On the other hand - it was kinda nice to get one from a girl I had a crush on in the sixth grade - who sent me a special one. :love:

But they did this in middle school - all the way to eighth grade! It was embarassing to me. To me it was like playing a kindregarten game. Maybe I was a snob then.


My kids got a note sent home yesterday that they are having a VALENTINES party next week. The kids who are not celebrating names were ommited from the list! Good for the school!


mamissa3 said:
We got a note explaining that it was going to be a friendship party.

See?Thats a great way to be diplomatic isn't it?Who wouldn't celebrate friendship? I remember in school if you were giving out cards you had to make one for everyone in the class.Some schools these days just want to dance around sticky situations and it really does rob our children of special milestones.I mean if you exclude kids for celebrating Halloween and X-mas isn't that just as decrimnitory as excluding the kids who don't?


New Member
mamissa3 said:
We got a note explaining that it was going to be a friendship party.
Maybe our kids go to the same school because that is what our note said too. Its a friendship party. Also that you were to include all the kids. I wouldn't let my daughter leave anybody out anyway. I told her that it could hurt somebodies feelings if they didn't get any cards.