Larry Gude
Strung Out
“I got my own place,” said a defiant Robert Thomas in the city’s historic Treme neighborhood. “I ain’t sharing it with no freaking body.” If he agreed to leave the city, “where the hell I’m gonna be after that?”
“They are trying to get this neighborhood for the rich people,” said a man calling himself Chief Al; he was sitting on a stoop at St. Claude Avenue and St. Philip Street
So, while this poor guys suppossed benefactors like Rep. La la Paloozi argue rich guys wouldn't help a brother out, the brother in question says the rich WANT him out so they can take his home.
I hereby dedicate this thread to all things that ruin this 'perfect storm' for Bush haters.
I welcome contributions of evacuation plans made before hand, resuce estimates, comments and so forth that dispel the apparent desperate need that it's all Georges fault because, again, I say 7 days was pretty damn good, for all concerned, left and right, given the magnitude of this thing.