What's a Bush hater to do?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
“I got my own place,” said a defiant Robert Thomas in the city’s historic Treme neighborhood. “I ain’t sharing it with no freaking body.” If he agreed to leave the city, “where the hell I’m gonna be after that?”

“They are trying to get this neighborhood for the rich people,” said a man calling himself Chief Al; he was sitting on a stoop at St. Claude Avenue and St. Philip Street

So, while this poor guys suppossed benefactors like Rep. La la Paloozi argue rich guys wouldn't help a brother out, the brother in question says the rich WANT him out so they can take his home.

I hereby dedicate this thread to all things that ruin this 'perfect storm' for Bush haters.

I welcome contributions of evacuation plans made before hand, resuce estimates, comments and so forth that dispel the apparent desperate need that it's all Georges fault because, again, I say 7 days was pretty damn good, for all concerned, left and right, given the magnitude of this thing.


Larry stop it. You are not showing proper PC empathy for the LA governmental figures. Holding them accountable for their duties in the face of such a disaster is just meam.

oh yea :sarcasm:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Watch me...

This is a Jihad now.

Effing NO, under sea level to begin with, cat 4 storm, 1,000's REFUSING to leave, effective help is established within 24 hours, people being rescued and pretty much everyone in desperate shape is taken care of in 7 days and somehow it's all GEORGES fault from the first broken finger nail.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Larry Gude said:
NO evac plan.


Warning: If you blame Bush do NOT read this. It'll ruin your day.

To wit:

Not good.

I simply cannot find the words 'federal government responsible for..."

I find a lot of 'mayor responsible for...' and 'governor responsible for..."

No feds. No Potus. How can this be?
You should email the link to FNC, CNN, MSNBC etc. It might not make a difference, but you never know. Fire one off to O'Reilley, you might even get an autographed copy of "Who's Looking Out For You?" :lmao:


New Member
Larry Gude said:
So, while this poor guys suppossed benefactors like Rep. La la Paloozi argue rich guys wouldn't help a brother out, the brother in question says the rich WANT him out so they can take his home. I hereby dedicate this thread to all things that ruin this 'perfect storm' for Bush haters. I welcome contributions of evacuation plans made before hand, resuce estimates, comments and so forth that dispel the apparent desperate need that it's all Georges fault because, again, I say 7 days was pretty damn good, for all concerned, left and right, given the magnitude of this thing.
You better stop!!! :mad: We gots that plane that can fly through hurricanes!! W was a pilot!! Why didn't W fly it through Katrina like the other prez. did in the movie Independence Day and rescue them peoples?? I know why!! W hates black peoples that's why!! :angry:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You're wasting your time trying to talk facts with Democrats. They've been waiting for a loooong time to be able to stick it to Bush in some way. While they were praying for a terrorist attack, along came the hurricane and they said, "Good enough - let's go!"

Only the ignorant believe their lies. Therefore, you're directing your comments to the ignorant, who go, "Nuh uh! George Bush is satan - Nancy Pelosi says so! He ain't even the real President - Al Gore is!"

No sense in even talking to these people. Leave them to their Chutes and Ladders and stop trying to teach pigs to sing.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
So, while this poor guys suppossed benefactors like Rep. La la Paloozi argue rich guys wouldn't help a brother out, the brother in question says the rich WANT him out so they can take his home.

I hereby dedicate this thread to all things that ruin this 'perfect storm' for Bush haters.

I welcome contributions of evacuation plans made before hand, resuce estimates, comments and so forth that dispel the apparent desperate need that it's all Georges fault because, again, I say 7 days was pretty damn good, for all concerned, left and right, given the magnitude of this thing.



Time For Some Dick!!!

With all these low-life Democrats running around throwing mud and do-do all over anything and anybody Republican, where is the true smartmouth of our party - Dick Cheney??? He's got nothing to lose by telling these a-holes where to stuff it, and I would love to hear him get in front of some microphones and just rip Pilosi a new one.


This Space for Rent
Bruzilla said:
With all these low-life Democrats running around throwing mud and do-do all over anything and anybody Republican, where is the true smartmouth of our party - Dick Cheney??? He's got nothing to lose by telling these a-holes where to stuff it, and I would love to hear him get in front of some microphones and just rip Pilosi a new one.

No, the Repubs are stuck to their story now of investigating what went wrong. They have Powell out there talking about problems at all levels need to be looked into. They are sticking with the concerned about what went wrong front since Bush had to go and agree things happened wrong before they had a full report. As I said, that pissed me off that Bush did that because I knew the sh**storm was coming. The Dems are tenacious and even the small appearance of a chink in the armor, and they will rabidly attack... even when none of it can attributable to the sitting president.


There's another thing that really bothers me about all of this. All of the Bush bashers are attacking Bush for supposedly not wanting to upgrade the levies from surviving a Cat 3 hurricane to surviving a Cat 4 or 5, and saying that by not putting out the bucks to do this put people in grave danger. But what I'm not hearing is any criticism of the mayor of NO who opted not to evacuate the remaining citizens, as was in the plan, but rather to send them to the Superdome, a shelter which was only designed to survive a Cat 3 hurricane! What would have happened if the Superdome had collapsed with 65,000+ people inside? Who was putting the masses in danger???


Not dead yet.
Two things I heard on the radio (so they must be TRUE!) but it would be nice to find details on:

1) LOTS of pork barrel money (more than California, for cryin' out loud) was spent on the water management projects around Louisiana. On the levies like so many sensible people would think? No. On huge locks and canal systems.

2) The Red Cross had food and water at the superdome within 24 hours but was told to take it elsewhere by the officials there because they didn't want to attract more people to the superdome.


Speaking of wasteful spending, and listen up 2A, two of my neighbors left for New Orleans yesterday morning at sunup to go to work on the NO cleanup effort. Not as volunteers, but as contractors at $25/hour!!! $25/hour to pick up garbage 40 hours per week for as long as they can drag the effort on. We could of gotten a bunch of illegal Mexicans to do that work for $4 an hour!!!


Bruzilla said:
Speaking of wasteful spending, and listen up 2A, two of my neighbors left for New Orleans yesterday morning at sunup to go to work on the NO cleanup effort. Not as volunteers, but as contractors at $25/hour!!! $25/hour to pick up garbage 40 hours per week for as long as they can drag the effort on. We could of gotten a bunch of illegal Mexicans to do that work for $4 an hour!!!

$4 an hour that is outrageous, we can get them to do it for free by threatening to deport them if they dont do it


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
We could of gotten a bunch of illegal Mexicans to do that work for $4 an hour!!!
How about the people of New Orleans cleaning up their own city. Now that's a concept. Especially since, there are no jobs for these folks to return to. Also, a company out of North Carolina has been contracted to perform clean-up efforts.



Airgasm said:
Amazingly prophetic.

Actually it's not very prophetic. There's really no way, short of a 100% breach of the levies at the same instant could result in the damage decribed in the link, and the odds of that happening are lower than me winning the Powerball lottery.

One levy failed because the storm winds blew much of the rising water in the lake to one side, and when the winds died down simple fluid dynamics took over and breached one of the levies when the water came back. It was the same deal as watching one of those wave boxes they sell at Spencer's Gifts. The storm surge destoryed a lot of coastal property as they do in all hurricanes, but the flood damage in New Orleans was a result of a slow intake of water from a 200-foot long break in a levy. It was just a larger scale version of flooding your yard by leaving the hose on.

People had plenty of time to either get out or get to the roof before the water got too high, which is a far cry from the tsunami-like situation that write up implies.


Well-Known Member
Details, Details...

Bruzilla said:
Actually it's not very prophetic. There's really no way, short of a 100% breach of the levies at the same instant could result in the damage decribed in the link, and the odds of that happening are lower than me winning the Powerball lottery.

One levy failed because the storm winds blew much of the rising water in the lake to one side, and when the winds died down simple fluid dynamics took over and breached one of the levies when the water came back. It was the same deal as watching one of those wave boxes they sell at Spencer's Gifts. The storm surge destoryed a lot of coastal property as they do in all hurricanes, but the flood damage in New Orleans was a result of a slow intake of water from a 200-foot long break in a levy. It was just a larger scale version of flooding your yard by leaving the hose on.

People had plenty of time to either get out or get to the roof before the water got too high, which is a far cry from the tsunami-like situation that write up implies.
A shift in the storm track of 50 miles to the west, would have resulted in a very simular situation as expressed in the article. "Tsunami-like", un-likely. I doudt any hurricane could produce "tsunami-like" conditions.