What's a Bush hater to do?


Super Genius
Airgasm said:
How about the people of New Orleans cleaning up their own city. Now that's a concept. Especially since, there are no jobs for these folks to return to. Also, a company out of North Carolina has been contracted to perform clean-up efforts.



Football addict
Bruzilla said:
With all these low-life Democrats running around throwing mud and do-do all over anything and anybody Republican, where is the true smartmouth of our party - Dick Cheney??? He's got nothing to lose by telling these a-holes where to stuff it, and I would love to hear him get in front of some microphones and just rip Pilosi a new one.
Anyone catch him on the news last night? He was in Mississippi, I believe, and a heckler said "F*ck you Cheney, F*ck you."
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Methodically disorganized
BuddyLee said:
Anyone catch him on the news last night? He was in Mississippi, I believe, and a heckler said "F*ck you Cheney, F*ck you."
Actually, it was "Go f**k yourself, Mr. Cheney!"


Dancing Up A Storm
hvp05 said:
Actually, it was "Go f**k yourself, Mr. Cheney!"
I saw/heard the same clip on Fox or MSNBC, not once, but twice; I could not believe someone(it was a male voice, I think) would be that rude to our vice-president in public. I hope some newsie got his picture; might be a nutcase, but you never know. :confused:


Penn said:
I saw/heard the same clip on Fox or MSNBC, not once, but twice; I could not believe someone(it was a male voice, I think) would be that rude to our vice-president in public. I hope some newsie got his picture; might be a nutcase, but you never know. :confused:

Last I checked, this was still America and you could say anything to anyone. Even the VP. :elaine:
gumby said:
Last I checked, this was still America and you could say anything to anyone. Even the VP. :elaine:
True. Just goes to show the caliber of the people we're trying to help. I guess he wanted to see Kahne West (like that'll happen).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bad attitude:

"How do the adults really feel about us moving in?" he asked at Camp Williams, a military base 21 miles south of Salt Lake City housing about 400 refugees from last weeks disaster. "What if I find a Caucasian girl and decide to date her?

"Will I have to deal with whispering behind me and eyeballing me?" asked the 36-year-old black man.
Good attitude:
"I'm planning a whole new life," said Phillip Johnson II, 23, who has already arranged an apartment in Salt Lake City. "It's an opportunity knocking for me out here."


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
gumby said:
Last I checked, this was still America and you could say anything to anyone. Even the VP. :elaine:
I don't know where you got that from but you just can't say anything. There are limits for a variety of reasons, in this instance it seems the person uttering the profanity was in violation of § 97-29-47 of the Mississippi Code titled "Profanity or drunkenness in public place".


Methodically disorganized
gumby said:
Last I checked, this was still America and you could say anything to anyone. Even the VP.
Yeah, but most of us don't have a security detail ready to drag the guy behind a building and rough him up.

I'm pretty sure I heard that the cops ran after the guy and fined him with disorderly conduct... but I can't remember definitely.


Mikeinsmd said:
You better stop!!! :mad: We gots that plane that can fly through hurricanes!! W was a pilot!! Why didn't W fly it through Katrina like the other prez. did in the movie Independence Day and rescue them peoples?? I know why!! W hates black peoples that's why!! :angry:

you forgot :sarcasm:

........like it was needed.