What's a date?


Lead Penguin
Date - it's one of those words for which we all have our own little definition.... plus, the definition seems to change with time...

Just curious, what do you consider a date?

some questions to ponder...
- Is any outing between any man and woman a date?
- Can two heterosexual members of the same sex be out on a date?
- Do you have to go out somewhere (like the movies or dinner) for it to be a date?
- If you go out on a date with someone, does it mean that you two are now dating?
- Do dates cease to exist after your relationship solidifies?
- Can a group outing be considered a date?

So, what's your opinion on the subject? I know there are bound to be quite a few differences in our opinions.
Do share... I will too in a few...
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My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by jetmonkey
The cat is pretty much the only person I have had to bounce material off of, and he just blinks at me.

Maybe he doesn't understand monkey??


Nothing to see here
Yo, Jet, get off yer butt and take Pixie out, I'll pay to get her to quit whining..


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by otter
Yo, Jet, get off yer butt and take Pixie out, I'll pay to get her to quit whining..

You sound way too much like my father. BTW Jet, my bio dad is offering $$$ to whomever marries me "for real" and takes me off his hands for good. :bubble:


New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
You sound way too much like my father. BTW Jet, my bio dad is offering $$$ to whomever marries me "for real" and takes me off his hands for good. :bubble:

$$$ for real? :really: Pixie, I may have to take you on a road trip to Vermont. :biggrin: :wink:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
$$$ for real? :really: Pixie, I may have to take you on a road trip to Vermont. :biggrin: :wink:

I see how it is now... First you use me for sexual gratification now that Ernest T is in the picture you're going to off me for $$$.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Originally posted by pixiegirl
You sound way too much like my father. BTW Jet, my bio dad is offering $$$ to whomever marries me "for real" and takes me off his hands for good. :bubble:

Maybe I was too quick to dismiss your proposals! We might have fun together! :biggrin:
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New Member
Kyle sweep her off her feet already!

A date is a wonderful thing, However a Date takes on all new meaning once one is married. Let me give you an example!

Ya know all those co-worker lunches you used to enjoy? Married *History* Suddenly these are viewed as dates!

Ya know your favorite late night channel? Married *History* Suddenly this becomes some quasi form of cheating!

Last but not least, remember those lucious nights at your favorite adult lounge? Married *History*

So enjoy your datingdom while it exisists in reality! Everything takes on new life when you take the walk!