What's "Chaos" in French?


Dancing Up A Storm

Rioters fire on police as violence worsens

GRIGNY, France - Youths fired at police and hurled flaming Molotov cocktails at churches, schools, cars and a daycare center as violence peaked in an 11th night of unrest in France, sending a “shock wave across the country,” the national police chief said Monday.

Vandals burned 1,408 vehicles across France, setting a new high for overnight arson attacks since the unrest started Oct. 27, Michel Gaudin told a news conference. The figure was an increase from the 1,295 vehicles torched the night before.

Ah! Sacre Bleu! Perhaps they are shooting a new adventure film over there?


Routinely Derailed
Alors, c'est la vie en France. Regardez les idiots et les mortes. Et les authoritee son l'escargots. Merde! :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
The virus spreads...

Two interesting points:
a) Authorities are turning to Mosques to help quiet the disturbances and they issue a Fatwa saying it is wrong to destroy property and riot....
(Where does the real power lie when you have to appeal to Imams to help keep the peace???)

b) Speculation is rising that this is likely to spread into neighboring nations.
Car fires have been found in Germany & Denmark & Belgium.

I guess that this is too premature,...it will be cracked down & fizzle-out.
They need to reach 30% of the population to make their rebellion work.
So...this is just Krystalnacht


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This has been an interesting story. I suppose the French feel sorry for their poor Muslims, not being acclimated into French society and all, and Chirac seems to be sympathetic to their plight.

So what is he going to do about it?

What would be cool is if the Muslims rise up righteous and take over all of France and maybe the rest of Eurabia as well. Then what will the US do? Go save them and get their country back, amid howls of protest that we're mean and Christian-centric?

For people who are so snobbish and haughty about their "culture", they don't seem particularly interested in retaining it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
PS, I watched "The Crusades - the Crescent and the Cross" last night on the History Channel. Fascinating and you all should try and catch a repeat of it.


vraiblonde said:
PS, I watched "The Crusades - the Crescent and the Cross" last night on the History Channel. Fascinating and you all should try and catch a repeat of it.
<img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y124/dpete2q/Funnies/1150345957.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Lies all lies


Dancing Up A Storm
Yep, just caught a segment on Fox News, around 5:00pm, that there now have been at least 5 car bombings in Germany.

Could this be the onset of a concerted Terrorist/Insurgency effort throughout Europe?

Wonder if they'd have the guts to ask us for help?


Well-Known Member
Socialist spin...

I am very sure a large minority of Europeans will be shaking their heads and instead of blaming their Imperial rulers of 150 years ago...they will turn their hatred toward "Bush's War for Oil" that has provoked all this.
Thus, they will raise their cries even louder for US out of Iraq and leave Iran's nuclear ambitions alone.

I would even believe that they will blame Jews still in these countries who have "provoked" these Moslem youth. Antisemitism has not been this aroused since WWII.

They really need a Churchill who will refuse to compromise with a growing menace...and find those who still have a spine to unite and counter the fascio-Islamic tide.


Dancing Up A Storm
Hessian said:
They really need a Churchill who will refuse to compromise with a growing menace...and find those who still have a spine to unite and counter the fascio-Islamic tide.
An overstatement, and I'm sure and it's too simple, but there's so much corruption going on it France, I think, that it's taken them so long to see the danger facing them.
Paying for cheap oil/petroleum from Saddam's regime, opposing the US and her allies in this fight against Islamic terrorists, etc., - maybe they thought they'd get a free pass?


Dancing Up A Storm
Hessian said:

Once again....you need to know history: it is the only way to discern trends of the future. (aside from Providential inspiration)
Good article. France has never been able to assimilate the Muslim community into their own society, it would seem. Sure, they provide those folks with visa and citizenship papers, but the country as a whole dosen't seem to welcome them into their culture.
The French govenment, in one instance is willing to use the Muslim community as a labor force to finance their pension plans - for the general population - but then they isolate them away from their society, placing them in special housing projects, ie., subsidized living quarters, where they probably feel they're on the outside, providing that financial support, but don't feel they are included in them.
According to Buchanan, the Muslim population is soaring, and growing faster than the rest of the society, so unless the French find ways to allow these people to blend in, and become one with the French way of life, this is only going to get worse.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Some kennedy is on Fox talking about how France can "reach out" to Muslims. I, personally, would use a firehose.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Some kennedy is on Fox talking about how France can "reach out" to Muslims. I, personally, would use a firehose.
I think an Uzi would get better results from those doing this senseless destruction.
vraiblonde said:
Some kennedy is on Fox talking about how France can "reach out" to Muslims. I, personally, would use a firehose.
Hey Vrai... can you explain to me exactly what kicked off the riots...:confused: All I've been able to gather is that two Muslim teens broke the law, were running away from the police, and were stupid enough to hide in a transformer, thus, dying of electrocution. There has to be more to it than this...:confused:
kwillia said:
Hey Vrai... can you explain to me exactly what kicked off the riots...:confused: All I've been able to gather is that two Muslim teens broke the law, were running away from the police, and were stupid enough to hide in a transformer, thus, dying of electrocution. There has to be more to it than this...:confused:
Nevermind... I found it in another article... "It has grown into a nationwide insurrection by disillusioned suburban youths, many French-born children of immigrants from France's former territories like Algeria. France's suburbs have long been neglected and their youth complain of a lack of jobs and widespread discrimination, some of it racial."

It was France's fault these two youths were forced into criminal behavior.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
Hey Vrai... can you explain to me exactly what kicked off the riots... All I've been able to gather is that two Muslim teens broke the law, were running away from the police, and were stupid enough to hide in a transformer, thus, dying of electrocution. There has to be more to it than this
As far as I'm aware, that was it. There is some speculation that they didn't actually break the law, but they were running from the cops because they were afraid the cops would THINK they broke the law. Or some such nonsense. So they hid in the transformer, got electrocuted, and the riot instigators claimed it was the cops' fault that these two fools were killed. It took on life of its own and now Paris is under seige.

Curious if Al Sharpton or Maxine Waters had anything to do with it. They're both pretty good at inciting ghetto race riots.


Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:
As far as I'm aware, that was it. There is some speculation that they didn't actually break the law, but they were running from the cops because they were afraid the cops would THINK they broke the law. Or some such nonsense. So they hid in the transformer, got electrocuted, and the riot instigators claimed it was the cops' fault that these two fools were killed. It took on life of its own and now Paris is under siege.

Curious if Al Sharpton or Maxine Waters had anything to do with it. They're both pretty good at inciting ghetto race riots.
Sounds like a tragedy that was waiting for a place to happen. By not publicly explaining it in a proper manner, and diffusing the situation, it would appear the French government shot themselves in the foot.

Using an old cliché, it was a tinderbox waiting for a spark.