What's going on @ WMAL and who is Joe Scarborough


Nothing to see here
Chris Core was in the slot for quite awhile, but he said something and liberal wigged out and he got canned ........

I haven't heard Chris Core in quite a while, used to hear him alot in the afternoons before he was moved to other time slots. I had no problem with him, I always found him fair and willing to explain his reasoning for thinking as he did. More than once I emailed him to clarify something he said on the air which I had questions about, and every time, he replied within a day. You can't say that about most media types.


My Sweetest Boy
I haven't heard Chris Core in quite a while, used to hear him alot in the afternoons before he was moved to other time slots. I had no problem with him, I always found him fair and willing to explain his reasoning for thinking as he did. More than once I emailed him to clarify something he said on the air which I had questions about, and every time, he replied within a day. You can't say that about most media types.

Chris Core Home Page


..... :popcorn:

I don't listen frequently in the mornings, because I'm at work & don't always have time. However, I do errands for the job & can listen when I go out to do them. I liked him, but it seems they have had several guys in that time slot over the last 4 years I've been back in the area.

I found this email posted by someone at FreeRepublic.com:

"Thanks for your email. First the headline: this was NOT a local decision.

I am truly saddened to see Chris go. He’s a great broadcaster and friend. As you may know, The Joe Scarborough Show is owned and distributed by Citadel Media/Broadcasting - the company that owns WMAL. This move was part of the company’s strategy to get programs that it owns on stations that it owns - something that’s not uncommon in the industry.I’ve made my share of decisions at WMAL, however this one was not one of them.

Thanks again for your feedback.

Best regards,

Paul Duckworth
Operations Director
630 WMAL”

But I thought WMAL was Clear Channel ...


New Member
I miss Chris Plante as well. Instead of listening to Joe, that is the time I spend listening to Mark Levin from his website. It is the previous days show but I don't get to listen to Mark in the evening.