Bianca makes me think of rich old white women smoking cigarettes with holders.So what constitutes a name as being "normal" anyway?? Popularity? Spelling? With all the "Vote for My Kid" threads, a few times now it's come up where people are slamming a kid's name which is why I'm wondering. And I wonder why anyone would do that? I mean, obviously, the parents liked that name!!
When I was pregnant with my daughter and told my mother what we were planning to name her, she got this look of disgust on her face "Bianca??" I was mortified that she would've said that to me and today I get more compliments on her name. . . . But I'm sure someone here won't like it (and that's okay). But then, that was coming from a woman who mis-spelled Jennifer (to me, any other spelling is wrong - and mine is mis-spelled!)
My son is Rowan, after my favorite character in an Anne Rice novel, and because it means "Little Red Haired One" in Irish. Since I knew I was having a red head, it fit.
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