Corn is a GRAIN, not a vegetable.
Corn used to be found on very small cobs. Corn has been genetically altered to be much larger and sweeter tasting than it was originally.
Corn contains a large amount of natural monosodium glutamate (MSG). There is a high amount of MSG in corn, and sweeter (genetically modified) corn has a higher amount of MSG. All sources of MSG could be said to be "natural" as it is naturally occurring in nature. Beware of "natural flavorings" in food, as they often contain MSG and other "natural" but sometimes harmful ingredients.
Corn fiber is indigestible.
Corn syrup is a super-charged sugar even more damaging to health than cane sugar according to a dentists, Dr. Frank J. Jerome. He connects tooth decay to corn syrup in his book Tooth Truth.
Corn and its by-products are in the majority of packaged and processed foods, as it is abundant and inexpensive in America.
Corn is not recommended for ANY blood type according to the author of Eat Right for Your Type.
Corn is highly allergenic. Some common reported symptoms associated with corn intolerance or corn allergy are:
Ringing, throbbing or itchy ears