What's wrong with kids these days????


Well-Known Member
hvp05 said:
I have not read this entire thread, nor am I a parent. But I would like to relate something I saw yesterday.

The location was a store in Waldorf. Mother is on her phone, having a conversating during which she became apparently irritated. I heard "sh*t" once, but I wasn't listening the entire time. One boy (~6 years) is walking around and the other (~2 years) is in the cart's child seat crying. I walked away and passed by them a few minutes later...

Mother is still on the phone, and the older boy has climbed into the cart (half in, half out). She halts her conversation to tell him he'd better stop "or else".

I wanted to permanently lodge that cellphone in the side of her head, not just for being an idiot... but for breeding children whom will no doubt become members of the next generation of idiots.

Yeah, I get irritated when I see that too. My aunt used to always threaten my cousins..."Don't make me come over there..." Lots of empty threats...
If you have to make the consequences clear, and you have to follow through 100% of the time. If you don't, you shouldn't expect them to respect you or listen to you.


I wanna be a SMIB
Geek said:
Lord, you sound like a hard woman. Do you chew on bricks for fun :confused:

No I just have no tolerance for bad kids and incompentence. Just hard on the outside, marshmallow inside. Bricks hurt my teeth. But I still loves you Geek. :huggy:


Baby blues
Geek said:
And Tinkerbell...Look at the sceen name I had to take because you already had the one I wanted :bawl:

:huggy: I've noticed that before and it's funny you should say that, cause just last week I was thinking to myself "I should talk to Vrai and see if I can give my screen name to Geek and pick a new one!" You obviously like Tinkerbell!



New Member
Tinkerbell said:
:huggy: I've noticed that before and it's funny you should say that, cause just last week I was thinking to myself "I should talk to Vrai and see if I can give my screen name to Geek and pick a new one!" You obviously like Tinkerbell!


:lmao: Awww that is really sweet. I would offer you Geek but nobody would do that to themselves. :huggy:


New Member
Bronwyn said:
I'll tell you something funny about my four year old son. We were driving to Dominio's on rt four and we missed our turn because we were gawking at the new condos being built. We ended up turning around in Solomans and going back. Every single time we drive past there now my son tells everyone about it, even weeks later.

Do your kids do this?

My daughter use to do this too. We got lost one time on the beltway basically missed our exit but everytime we went anywhere near the beltway she would bring it up. They definitely don't forget things. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
cege said:
My daughter use to do this too. We got lost one time on the beltway basically missed our exit but everytime we went anywhere near the beltway she would bring it up. They definitely don't forget things. :lmao:

We (kids) don't forget anything either. Once we were on a family trip to the National Cathedral in D.C. (actually, we wanted to go to the zoo, but it was closed), and we got lost on the way home. We must've circled the White House at least 5 or 6 times. My parents were getting testy with each other, and the last time around the White House, my mom said (in a very tense voice), "Say hi to the president, kids. I'm sure he knows us by now!!!"

It broke up the tension and we all laughed. To this day we still bring it up!