Whats Wrong With Religion!


New Member
It dose not matter to me what someone believes as a child I use to go to church just about every Sunday for years. Both my great grandparents were
Ministers and my uncle is Priest.So as a child I believe what I was told but
as I grew older I learned that the Bible is a exaggeration of stories.

1.All Religions are Cults-----------------------------------------FACT!
2.More people have died from Religious Wars than all other Wars put
3.The Bible was written by authors unknown---------------------FACT!
4.The Bible contradicts itself------------------------------------FACT!
5.And just because you believe in something dos'nt make it so and
just because you dont dos'nt mean its not true.That gose for GOD,UFOs,

Let me give you some exsamples of what I mean for instance starting with
number 1# the definition in the dictionary for Cult is: A system or community
of religious worship and ritual,especially one focusing upon a single deity or

Next is number 2# Here is what I mean. They are fighting a civil war right
now in IRAQ that is I mean the Soonies and the Sheites and the Kurds.
How about Darfur over 250.000 dead Rwanda over 200.000 dead and
Bosnia over 100.000 dead.And lets not forget Israel and Palaestin who
have been fighting for decades over the Holy land in Jerusalem.These are
just a very short few but it should give you some idea------------FACT

Next is number 3# That is to say that scripture is a part of the bible but
by no means all of it. The stories told and interpeded from Hebrew are all
connected no --------------------------------------------------FACT

Last but not least is a short one #4 in the Bible it says love your fellow
man and in the next it states an eye for an eye------------------FACT

Listen I don't really know if GOD exsist but if he dose he's got some explaining
to do. I dont believe in Creation or Intelligent Design period.It kills me when I
here people believe that the Earth is only a few thousand years old when
in fact it is over 4 Billion yrs. And that were the only ones in the Universe
is crazy!!! Look just in our Solar System is 1 Star our Sun which has 8 planets and over 90 moons and our Galaxy the Milky Way has over 200 Billion Stars and is only one of 150 Billion Galaxy's in the Universe! So maybe we
can start to believe more in facts than fiction.I just cant believe we are the only ones in this vast Universe I don't and won't.When I tell people that my
GOD IS DIFFERENT from there GOD THEY FREAK out. Let me explain to you what I mean that is to say --- My god is Black,White,Red,Brown, and Yellow
and the other colors I have not mentioned GOD is also Female and Male !!!!BECAUSE God may be nothing more than MOTHER NATURE and FATHER TIME
and if YOU look at it that way things might make a little more sense.Let me
know what you think?

you can also email me at lewis7lewis@yahoo.com


Well-Known Member
In your godless world...

I can enslave my fellow man because I have better technology, have the law and force on my side.

I can kill premature children because they cost too much.

I can hoard as much as I want because its MINE and I don't have to share.

I can play "god" with science and make gentic mutants just to kill them.

I never have to be honest.

Please enjoy your godless world.


It dose not matter to me what someone believes as a child I use to go to church just about every Sunday for years. Both my great grandparents were
Ministers and my uncle is Priest.So as a child I believe what I was told but
as I grew older I learned that the Bible is a exaggeration of stories.

1.All Religions are Cults-----------------------------------------FACT!
2.More people have died from Religious Wars than all other Wars put
3.The Bible was written by authors unknown---------------------FACT!
4.The Bible contradicts itself------------------------------------FACT!
5.And just because you believe in something dos'nt make it so and
just because you dont dos'nt mean its not true.That gose for GOD,UFOs,

I don't know about the rest of you but I believe in angles. Angles are always right. That is, unless they are acute or obtuse

or straight

or reflexive.



New Member
Me thinks you need to check your facts.....

It dose not matter to me what someone believes as a child I use to go to church just about every Sunday for years. Both my great grandparents were
Ministers and my uncle is Priest.So as a child I believe what I was told but
as I grew older I learned that the Bible is a exaggeration of stories.

1.All Religions are Cults-----------------------------------------FACT!
2.More people have died from Religious Wars than all other Wars put
3.The Bible was written by authors unknown---------------------FACT!
4.The Bible contradicts itself------------------------------------FACT!
5.And just because you believe in something dos'nt make it so and
just because you dont dos'nt mean its not true.That gose for GOD,UFOs,

Let me give you some exsamples of what I mean for instance starting with
number 1# the definition in the dictionary for Cult is: A system or community
of religious worship and ritual,especially one focusing upon a single deity or

Next is number 2# Here is what I mean. They are fighting a civil war right
now in IRAQ that is I mean the Soonies and the Sheites and the Kurds.
How about Darfur over 250.000 dead Rwanda over 200.000 dead and
Bosnia over 100.000 dead.And lets not forget Israel and Palaestin who
have been fighting for decades over the Holy land in Jerusalem.These are
just a very short few but it should give you some idea------------FACT

Next is number 3# That is to say that scripture is a part of the bible but
by no means all of it. The stories told and interpeded from Hebrew are all
connected no --------------------------------------------------FACT

Last but not least is a short one #4 in the Bible it says love your fellow
man and in the next it states an eye for an eye------------------FACT

Listen I don't really know if GOD exsist but if he dose he's got some explaining
to do. I dont believe in Creation or Intelligent Design period.It kills me when I
here people believe that the Earth is only a few thousand years old when
in fact it is over 4 Billion yrs. And that were the only ones in the Universe
is crazy!!! Look just in our Solar System is 1 Star our Sun which has 8 planets and over 90 moons and our Galaxy the Milky Way has over 200 Billion Stars and is only one of 150 Billion Galaxy's in the Universe! So maybe we
can start to believe more in facts than fiction.I just cant believe we are the only ones in this vast Universe I don't and won't.When I tell people that my
GOD IS DIFFERENT from there GOD THEY FREAK out. Let me explain to you what I mean that is to say --- My god is Black,White,Red,Brown, and Yellow
and the other colors I have not mentioned GOD is also Female and Male !!!!BECAUSE God may be nothing more than MOTHER NATURE and FATHER TIME
and if YOU look at it that way things might make a little more sense.Let me
know what you think?

you can also email me at lewis7lewis@yahoo.com

So the god you believe in is different from others......yet you don't know if god exists???:whistle:

Do you have any evidence to support he claim of "mother earth"?

Listen I don't really know if GOD exsist but if he dose he's got some explaining
to do.

Didn't you just refer to god as a mother? Is it male or female? Pick a gender please?

Atheism's Body Count - Ideology and Human Suffering
......It is obvious that Atheism cannot be true; for if it were, it would produce a more humane world, since it values only this life and is not swayed by the foolish beliefs of primitive superstitions and religions. However, the opposite proves to be true. Rather than providing the utopia of idealism, it has produced a body count second to none. With recent documents uncovered for the Maoist and Stalinist regimes, it now seems the high end of estimates of 250 million dead (between 1900-1987) are closer to the mark. The Stalinist Purges produced 61 million dead and Mao's Cultural Revolution produced 70 million casualties. These murders are all upon their own people! This number does not include the countless dead in their wars of outward aggression waged in the name of the purity of atheism's world view. China invades its peaceful, but religious neighbor, Tibet; supports N. Korea in its war against its southern neighbor and in its merciless oppression of its own people; and Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge kill up to 6 million with Chinese support. All of these actions done "in the name of the people" to create a better world.


New Member
It dose not matter to me what someone believes as a child I use to go to church just about every Sunday for years. Both my great grandparents were
Ministers and my uncle is Priest.So as a child I believe what I was told but
as I grew older I learned that the Bible is a exaggeration of stories.

1.All Religions are Cults-----------------------------------------FACT!
2.More people have died from Religious Wars than all other Wars put
3.The Bible was written by authors unknown---------------------FACT!
4.The Bible contradicts itself------------------------------------FACT!
5.And just because you believe in something dos'nt make it so and
just because you dont dos'nt mean its not true.That gose for GOD,UFOs,

Let me give you some exsamples of what I mean for instance starting with
number 1# the definition in the dictionary for Cult is: A system or community
of religious worship and ritual,especially one focusing upon a single deity or

Next is number 2# Here is what I mean. They are fighting a civil war right
now in IRAQ that is I mean the Soonies and the Sheites and the Kurds.
How about Darfur over 250.000 dead Rwanda over 200.000 dead and
Bosnia over 100.000 dead.And lets not forget Israel and Palaestin who
have been fighting for decades over the Holy land in Jerusalem.These are
just a very short few but it should give you some idea------------FACT

Next is number 3# That is to say that scripture is a part of the bible but
by no means all of it. The stories told and interpeded from Hebrew are all
connected no --------------------------------------------------FACT

Last but not least is a short one #4 in the Bible it says love your fellow
man and in the next it states an eye for an eye------------------FACT

Listen I don't really know if GOD exsist but if he dose he's got some explaining
to do. I dont believe in Creation or Intelligent Design period.It kills me when I
here people believe that the Earth is only a few thousand years old when
in fact it is over 4 Billion yrs. And that were the only ones in the Universe
is crazy!!! Look just in our Solar System is 1 Star our Sun which has 8 planets and over 90 moons and our Galaxy the Milky Way has over 200 Billion Stars and is only one of 150 Billion Galaxy's in the Universe! So maybe we
can start to believe more in facts than fiction.I just cant believe we are the only ones in this vast Universe I don't and won't.When I tell people that my
GOD IS DIFFERENT from there GOD THEY FREAK out. Let me explain to you what I mean that is to say --- My god is Black,White,Red,Brown, and Yellow
and the other colors I have not mentioned GOD is also Female and Male !!!!BECAUSE God may be nothing more than MOTHER NATURE and FATHER TIME
and if YOU look at it that way things might make a little more sense.Let me
know what you think?

you can also email me at lewis7lewis@yahoo.com

Dos ur dady no ur playin on teh interwebz?


It dose not matter to me what someone believes as a child I use to go to church just about every Sunday for years. Both my great grandparents were
Ministers and my uncle is Priest.So as a child I believe what I was told but
as I grew older I learned that the Bible is a exaggeration of stories.

1.All Religions are Cults-----------------------------------------FACT!
2.More people have died from Religious Wars than all other Wars put
3.The Bible was written by authors unknown---------------------FACT!
4.The Bible contradicts itself------------------------------------FACT!
5.And just because you believe in something dos'nt make it so and
just because you dont dos'nt mean its not true.That gose for GOD,UFOs,

Let me give you some exsamples of what I mean for instance starting with
number 1# the definition in the dictionary for Cult is: A system or community
of religious worship and ritual,especially one focusing upon a single deity or

Next is number 2# Here is what I mean. They are fighting a civil war right
now in IRAQ that is I mean the Soonies and the Sheites and the Kurds.
How about Darfur over 250.000 dead Rwanda over 200.000 dead and
Bosnia over 100.000 dead.And lets not forget Israel and Palaestin who
have been fighting for decades over the Holy land in Jerusalem.These are
just a very short few but it should give you some idea------------FACT

Next is number 3# That is to say that scripture is a part of the bible but
by no means all of it. The stories told and interpeded from Hebrew are all
connected no --------------------------------------------------FACT

Last but not least is a short one #4 in the Bible it says love your fellow
man and in the next it states an eye for an eye------------------FACT

Listen I don't really know if GOD exsist but if he dose he's got some explaining
to do. I dont believe in Creation or Intelligent Design period.It kills me when I
here people believe that the Earth is only a few thousand years old when
in fact it is over 4 Billion yrs. And that were the only ones in the Universe
is crazy!!! Look just in our Solar System is 1 Star our Sun which has 8 planets and over 90 moons and our Galaxy the Milky Way has over 200 Billion Stars and is only one of 150 Billion Galaxy's in the Universe! So maybe we
can start to believe more in facts than fiction.I just cant believe we are the only ones in this vast Universe I don't and won't.When I tell people that my
GOD IS DIFFERENT from there GOD THEY FREAK out. Let me explain to you what I mean that is to say --- My god is Black,White,Red,Brown, and Yellow
and the other colors I have not mentioned GOD is also Female and Male !!!!BECAUSE God may be nothing more than MOTHER NATURE and FATHER TIME
and if YOU look at it that way things might make a little more sense.Let me
know what you think?

you can also email me at lewis7lewis@yahoo.com

So why did you feel the need to post this? Did someone say "bless you" today and it set you off? We don't expect you to believe but you really need to lay off whatever it is you are on and learn to accept that millions of people around the world actually do believe. You have accomplished nothing else here except to prove you are an immature idiot.


New Member
Um...Ok. For multiple reasons I don't ever post on the religion or political forums here, but I'm going to throw my $.02 in here for some reason.

First, spell check is your friend, my dear. If you think you have an articulate argument, might as well be, well, articulate?

Second, what is your point? What do you expect to accomplish by coming to what you know is a mostly conservative Christian forum and basically telling everyone that you think they are stupid? Were you looking for an intelligent discussion? I mean, I think that's ok--to have an intelligent discussion, even debate, about religion--but what did you think you were going to accomplish by just posting a random attack (I think calling all religions "cults" consitutes an attack, at least in my book) on the beliefs of a large group of people? Do you think that you were going to get people responding "Oh! You're right! Christianity is wrong! OMG, thank you for showing me the truth!!" Um, yeah, probably not.

Third, and I hate to beat a dead horse, SPELL CHECK. No one is going to take you seriously if you sound like you're 12. Though with that rant, no one is going to take you seriously, anyway...

Look, I'm not a Christian. Sounds like either you're not Christian or you're searching for something. Fine. Go someplace else and figure out exactly what it is you're trying to figure out. Random attacks don't do anyone any good--there's not enough respect out there for people's differences (religion or otherwise) as it is.


New Member
1.All Religions are Cults-----------------------------------------FACT!
Sure. Although there are multiple definitions. To a Christian, a cult is any religion that doesn't hold to Christ's divinity.
2.More people have died from Religious Wars than all other Wars put
I disagree. Several come to mind off the top of my head. Everything from the Assyrian and Babylonian conquests of the Middle East, or Alexander the Great, or Darius the Mede's conquests, and more recently WWI and WWII.

In sheer numbers of people killed (not necessarily from the result of combat) Stalin and Chairman Mao's purges come to mind (conservative estimates say at least 15-20 million killed by starvation and execution etc.)
3.The Bible was written by authors unknown---------------------FACT!
While there is debate on who some of the authors are, there is also good historical evidence for the authors as accepted in conservative circles. Especially for the New Testament. Read some of FF Bruce's work.
4.The Bible contradicts itself------------------------------------FACT!
Please cite some examples so we can discuss. :)
5.And just because you believe in something dos'nt make it so and
just because you dont dos'nt mean its not true.That gose for GOD,UFOs,
Bottom line is you don't want to believe what Christianity says. You want to have it your way and nothing anybody says is gonna convince you.


New Member
Your World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can enslave my fellow man because I have better technology, have the law and force on my side.

I can kill premature children because they cost too much.

I can hoard as much as I want because its MINE and I don't have to share.

I can play "god" with science and make gentic mutants just to kill them.

I never have to be honest.

Please enjoy your godless world.

It sounds like to me your in a WORLD of CONFUSION I never said there was no


New Member
I Do Believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know about the rest of you but I believe in angles. Angles are always right. That is, unless they are acute or obtuse

or straight

or reflexive.


I do believe in angles the best book I ever read was by SOHPIE BRUAM it's called A BOOK of ANGLES!


New Member
Um...Ok. For multiple reasons I don't ever post on the religion or political forums here, but I'm going to throw my $.02 in here for some reason.

First, spell check is your friend, my dear. If you think you have an articulate argument, might as well be, well, articulate?

Second, what is your point? What do you expect to accomplish by coming to what you know is a mostly conservative Christian forum and basically telling everyone that you think they are stupid? Were you looking for an intelligent discussion? I mean, I think that's ok--to have an intelligent discussion, even debate, about religion--but what did you think you were going to accomplish by just posting a random attack (I think calling all religions "cults" consitutes an attack, at least in my book) on the beliefs of a large group of people? Do you think that you were going to get people responding "Oh! You're right! Christianity is wrong! OMG, thank you for showing me the truth!!" Um, yeah, probably not.

Third, and I hate to beat a dead horse, SPELL CHECK. No one is going to take you seriously if you sound like you're 12. Though with that rant, no one is going to take you seriously, anyway...

Look, I'm not a Christian. Sounds like either you're not Christian or you're searching for something. Fine. Go someplace else and figure out exactly what it is you're trying to figure out. Random attacks don't do anyone any good--there's not enough respect out there for people's differences (religion or otherwise) as it is.

Christian forum? All the hate i've seen posted on here. Wow. I think I need to find a church else where.... Don't want to 'worship' with the people hating, God loving Christians on here....Lord..


Well-Known Member
Christian forum? All the hate i've seen posted on here. Wow. I think I need to find a church else where.... Don't want to 'worship' with the people hating, God loving Christians on here....Lord..
Such deep seated anger.

Your tone and insulting attitude are kind of ...... hateful. :duh:


Whats Wrong With Religion!

ill take your statement and change it to a question and answer it.

whats wrong with religion?

fundamentalists and extremists

if people werent constantly trying to ram their religion down my throat id have no problem with religions of any kind


ill take your statement and change it to a question and answer it.

whats wrong with religion?

fundamentalists and extremists

if people werent constantly trying to ram their religion down my throat id have no problem with religions of any kind

So, who is raming things down your throat (besides Forestal)? Do the Jehovah Witnesses knock on your door every day? You may not want to have anything to do with religion but with 92% of Americans believing there is a god, you aren't going to go through life not hearing people say religious things. If someone says "God bless you" after you sneeze, do you get offended? I'm just trying to figure out how much of a nut you are.


So, who is raming things down your throat (besides Forestal)? Do the Jehovah Witnesses knock on your door every day? You may not want to have anything to do with religion but with 92% of Americans believing there is a god, you aren't going to go through life not hearing people say religious things. If someone says "God bless you" after you sneeze, do you get offended? I'm just trying to figure out how much of a nut you are.

No, "bless you" after i sneeze does not offend me

People who try to give me lectures about the bible and why :cds: I'm going to hell :cds: offend me.

92% of Americans dont come preaching the word of Jesus to my face. I dont mind religion. I dont mind people practicing religion no matter what religion it is. But I do hate when out government enacts law because its the religiously right thing to do *gaymarriage* or when people try to show me that stupid ####ing abortion video for 990th time.

Ive read the bible, and I guarantee Im more ethical under their religious standards than they are.

Religion is what it is, a THEORY. You have your theories and I have mine. My theory says your theory sucks.:yay: