Anyone into it?
Got the new volume? What did you think?
Is it out? Ive read them all.
Is it out? Ive read them all.
I have read the whole series, and it sucked when Robert Jordan died. They said he left detailed notes, outlines, plots etc to finish up in 3 more books. I hope this new author is good, going to get the new one this weekend or next.
Yeah - I've read the whole series time and again since 1993 or so. I almost have the first 5-6 books memorized. I've been to book signings and I almost went to a Fantasy-Con-type thing because I heard Jordan was going to be there.
I was crushed when he died.
I'm really dying to know how Sanderson carries this mantel.
Me too, and I hope he wraps everything up, so many different threads to tie together. Even if Sanderson is not that good, Ill still finish the series, too many years and too many books not.
Absolutely! Too much investment in this series to not finish. I'd read it even if they got David Eddings* to write it
The good news is that Jordan anticipated to finish the next 3 as 1 big novel... and the way he writes novels, apparently, is to write an outline of the entire book, and then flesh it out, writing chunks at a time. And I hear-tell that the end of the last book is already written by Jordan in his words the way he intended.
* Holy crap! I just found out that Eddings died in June
I'm sorry to hear that. I was a fan of The Belgariad.
Ever read Mercedes Lackey? I love all her books about Valdemar.
No, but I've just checked out her Wiki page. Looks like a lot of material there. I may give it a go.
If you like Jordan, you like Lackey. Start with The Last hearld mage trilogy, pretty much lays the ground work for all the other books.