When Big Breasts Are a Big Pain.....


Ubi bene ibi patria
"Sheyla Hershey has set a new record for something she can't and doesn't want to hide -- the largest breasts in Brazil, and perhaps the world. But is she in for more pain than she bargained for?

After eight surgeries and a gallon of silicone, Hershey's breasts round out to an astonishing 34 FFF -- and she claims she's not done.

In an interview with Fox 26 in Houston, where she traveled for the operation, the 28-year-old Brazilian actress and model said that she would like her breasts to be even bigger.

Unfortunately for Hershey, the state of Texas has limits on the amount of silicone that can be injected into breast implants -- and Dr. Malcolm Roth says this is for good reason."

ABC News: When Big Breasts Are a Big Pain


New Member
"Sheyla Hershey has set a new record for something she can't and doesn't want to hide -- the largest breasts in Brazil, and perhaps the world. But is she in for more pain than she bargained for?

After eight surgeries and a gallon of silicone, Hershey's breasts round out to an astonishing 34 FFF -- and she claims she's not done.

In an interview with Fox 26 in Houston, where she traveled for the operation, the 28-year-old Brazilian actress and model said that she would like her breasts to be even bigger.

Unfortunately for Hershey, the state of Texas has limits on the amount of silicone that can be injected into breast implants -- and Dr. Malcolm Roth says this is for good reason."

ABC News: When Big Breasts Are a Big Pain

You can't make this thread and not put a picture in it :smack:


  • 400_shershey_fffhousewife_080509_falkimaginginternational.jpg
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I heart CLeValley
The manager at Roses said I have the biggest rack he has ever seen. He asked if I would dance there. :razz:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
"Sheyla Hershey has set a new record for something she can't and doesn't want to hide -- the largest breasts in Brazil, and perhaps the world. But is she in for more pain than she bargained for?

After eight surgeries and a gallon of silicone, Hershey's breasts round out to an astonishing 34 FFF -- and she claims she's not done.

In an interview with Fox 26 in Houston, where she traveled for the operation, the 28-year-old Brazilian actress and model said that she would like her breasts to be even bigger.

Unfortunately for Hershey, the state of Texas has limits on the amount of silicone that can be injected into breast implants -- and Dr. Malcolm Roth says this is for good reason."

ABC News: When Big Breasts Are a Big Pain

:hot: :faint:


She is going to be in alot of pain with back problem. :jameo:

Not all women with boobs have a weak back... errr... I mean back pain. Though, at that size, I wonder how much those things weigh.

Seriously! :lol:

Soft and natural! :yay:

Yes, you are; just the way I like it.

The manager at Roses said I have the biggest rack he has ever seen. He asked if I would dance there. :razz:

There should be a law that says if you post statements like this, they must be accompanied with pictures.


New Member
It's been my experience that the source of the breast-related pain is not the breasts themselves, but the woman attached to them.


Sweet and Innocent
:hot: :faint:

Not all women with boobs have a weak back... errr... I mean back pain. Though, at that size, I wonder how much those things weigh.

Yes, you are; just the way I like it.

There should be a law that says if you post statements like this, they must be accompanied with pictures.

I don't have a weak back.... With milk filled, it is HEAVY! I just lost 10 pounds off when my milk dried up.


Hubby said with my last baby that my boobs needed to be on stage. Then my milk came in and OUCH they HURT!!! That pain was almost as bad as the labor! :faint:


Free to Fly

She is going to be in alot of pain with back problem. :jameo:

I saw a woman - not sure if it was her or not - on T.V. with the same story of the ridiculously huge breasts and wanting them even bigger: I noticed when she walked her breast did not move at all. Seriously - there was no sway or jiggle whatsoever. If they are so solid they are holding themselves out there like that are they bothering her back at all? Breasts are naturally made to move! They don't just sit there like a tray!