When Big Breasts Are a Big Pain.....


New Member
doesn't cause back pain

Alot of women like you think that big breasts cause's back pain. That is far from the truth. I had 3 yrs of weight training and they teach you that if you have weak stomach muscles you will have a weak back. That's the cause of alot of top heavy women or people in general back pain. Several other reasons women have back pain is not wearing the right size and supportive bra, not wearing good shoes and, or bad posture. Alot of women develop at an early age, they get this unwanted attention so they start crossing their arms and slouch to hide their chest. You do that over a period of time you will have bad posture. Weak stomach muscles is the main problem. Here is an example -- if you see a fat man with a big ole stomach and he has back pain -- you will never hear him say his chest is cause his back to hurt. It doesnt. I know what I'm talking about because I know women that are really top heavy -- examples -- an ex of mine was 5' size 14 and an H cup, another woman was like 5'3 , size 8 and a G cup, another woman I know is in the army and she is an H cup and you know they do running for PT, the largest that I've met and known is a woman thats an L cup. These women are all natural too. I know and have known alot of top heavy women like these women and none of them have back pain. That's a big myth about large breasts causes back pain.


She is going to be in alot of pain with back problem. :jameo: