When Guns are Finally Banned



willie said:
... and subsequent replies about the paranoid people and the use of firearms.

I believe that paranoia is an irrational fear of something. I believe that what concerns gun owners is quite a rational, and for these reasons:

1. The National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934 began the requirement for a $200 transfer tax on all selective-fire and automatic firearms. Doesn't sound like a big deal now, but in 1934 most new cars didn't sell for $1,000. That's like an $8,000 fee today. That was the first real shot at limiting the ownership of firearms.
2. The NFA of 1968 banned the importation of foreign military arms, non-sporting firearms, and machine guns.
3. The NFA or 1986 banned the importation or domestic manufacture of any selective-fire or automatic firearms. Now, this act was very significant for three reasons: First, this was the first time in our history that a specific type of firearm was now completely banned from import or manufacture. Second, it was the first NFA that the NRA had ever not opposed. The thought process was that there were more than enough of these guns on the market to satisfy the limited demand. Lastly, the main reason that the NRA didn't move to block the bill was that we were assured that the ban would only apply to selective-fire/automatic weapons, and that the semi-autos were, and would be, always legal. There were a lot of voices at the time saying "slipper slope!", but they were ignored.
4. The NFA of 1996 comes along and guess what's banned from import or manufacture? The semi-automatics that we were told would be protected in 1986. In 1996 we are told not to worry because just the semi-auto "assault" weapons are being banned... non-"assault" weapons and other firearms are safe... yeah right!

Do you see a trend forming here? There's never been an NFA that allowed the import, manufacture, or ownership of more firearms. They have always been restrictive. Now there are lots of pols trying to ban the non-assault semi-automatic guns that we were told in 1996 would be free from such laws.

Saying that gun owners are paranoid would be like telling a guy in bed, with a burgler holding a knife to his throat, that the sound he heard downstairs a minute ago was just the cat.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
That was one of the statements that was made at the hearing I went to in Annapolis directed to the state senators in the meeting; "We don't trust you."