When I was driving home tonight on 301...



Pete said:
Actually bacon is the belly portion of the pig cured, smoked and thinly sliced. It is typically pan fried, broiled or in the case of Dems, boiled. It is typically not deep fat fried.

I like mine fried thank you :smile:


Pete said:
Actually bacon is the belly portion of the pig cured, smoked and thinly sliced. It is typically pan fried, broiled or in the case of Dems, boiled. It is typically not deep fat fried.

Actually the little gee dunk in norfolk would put the bacon in the deep fryer.

the place was called the foxes den:shrug:


AndyMarquisLIVE said:
I met an extremely talented racecar driver. He was able to manuver his skylight blue Ford Taurus in and out lanes better than Dale Earnhardt, Jr. at Talladega.

It starts when I'm right next to the guy at a red light. I go, grab a sip of my Rockstar Energy Drink and change the song. So, the light turns green and squirreldick thought of this as the green flag. He gets along side of me (I'm doing 62 in the left lane) and then we're driving in harmony. I'm about 3 and 1/2 carlengths behind the vehicle in front of me. So, out of nowhere, squirreldick makes a sharp turn to the left, then he turns on his turn signal after the fact. As he's turning, he taps his brake to ensure he can (I'm not gonna say safely) make the pass. As he does so, he's within a couple of feet of my front bumper and then speeds up like John ####ing Force.

So, we end up at the next red light, I'm again along side Squirreldick (I guess he wasn't satisfied with the left lane). So, when the green comes out again, he tries round 2 - cuts me off. OK, so now I'm pissed because this guy is going to kill somebody. So, I pick up the gas and let those 6 cylinders under the hood come to life. I've got Windows Word Mobile up on my PDA on my dashboard for when I catch a red light - so I can type in his license plate number and let the authorities get this psychopath off the road.

Now I'm behind him and we're going about at least 75 when he decides to make some more "Bold moves." He cuts over all three lanes while cars are maybe a carlength and a half apart, speeds up, drives back into the left lane and puts on his E-Brake. I move my foot and slam my brakes as hard as I can trying to keep from, hitting him (because, clearly that's what he wanted). He then decides to make a turn at the light on St. Patricks Drive. So, I turn on my turn signal hoping to keep up. The next piece of driving had me impressed. He picks up the gas and drops the hammer, weaves back and fourth between lanes cutting off every single car and sending them all for their brakes, then drives over the curb into Target, speeds through the back area of Target, races through the parking lot, then he catches the red light. Unfortanently, I took the proper way, just so I can bring my SUV home in one piece.

At that point, I thought, "This man is a huge crash looking for a place to happen." Never did get his LP number to turn him over - just hoping a cop caught him later on down the road (though they'll probably just ignore it).

oh hey, nice to meet you Andy! Glad I could brighten your day!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
somdebay said:
oh hey, nice to meet you Andy! Glad I could brighten your day!

Oh, and Andy? You're a menace and you better quit driving like a maniac or I'm going to call your Mom. :smack: THIS is one of those instances where two wrongs don't make a right.


Well-Known Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
(I'm doing 62 in the left lane) and then we're driving in harmony.

Now I'm behind him and we're going about at least 75

Andy Andy you sure are getting slammed, guess you read one of my replies to you in another tread this week to stop impeding traffic and go with the flow on 301. :lmao: :lmao:

Must of been a day for crazies to be on the road. I saw one myself in Charlotte Hall, I was pumping gas at Lighthouse when a white work van came off of 5 and up to the drive-up, he wasnt there but a minute, dont believe he got waited on, think he got impatient, gunned the engine and pulled off from the driveup squealing tires. He stopped at the back entrance for Charlotte Hall Rd. made a right squealing tires, stopped at the stop sign there on the corner with Rt. 5 and made a right squealing tires and weaving back and forth heading south on 5 toward Golden Beach Rd.
OldHillcrestGuy said:
Andy Andy you sure are getting slammed, guess you read one of my replies to you in another tread this week to stop impeding traffic and go with the flow on 301. :lmao: :lmao:

Must of been a day for crazies to be on the road. I saw one myself in Charlotte Hall, I was pumping gas at Lighthouse when a white work van came off of 5 and up to the drive-up, he wasnt there but a minute, dont believe he got waited on, think he got impatient, gunned the engine and pulled off from the driveup squealing tires. He stopped at the back entrance for Charlotte Hall Rd. made a right squealing tires, stopped at the stop sign there on the corner with Rt. 5 and made a right squealing tires and weaving back and forth heading south on 5 toward Golden Beach Rd.

You're not one to talk about how people drive. :nono: :lol:


Well-Known Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
I was in the left lane again!

That's all I saw. :shrug:

And to answer the question that I can feel approaching, no, I don't drive a Taurus.