The actual military policy is still "Don't Ask and Don't Tell"
Sodomy is still an offense in the Uniform Code of Military Justice although it is a rarely is also against the UCMJ to have sex with anyone not your opposite-sex spouse (adultery.) The enforcement as one might imagine is selective. You've pissed somebody off for other reasons, but you got busted for this.
Most services have policies to cover married couples, for instance the Navy attempts to keep married folks in the same geographical area, but in separate commands; and to keep one on sea duty while the other is on shore duty. It is not perfect, but some other services do go to extremes.....A Marine Officer had better not become involved with an enlisted person of any branch of the service....they take a dim view of such things and have been know to Court-Martial their Officers for marrying Enlisteds.
It is kind of funny how this has evolved over the years....when I first joined the Navy, I knew of a few folks who claimed to be gay in order to be given a general discharge....ala Max Klinger.....and I suspect that there are still a few folks out there who are going that route. However, the two Sailors that worked for me that did admit to being gay did so AFTER serving their full contracted service and were discharged honorably.
The bottomline, you are either an honorable person or you are not....race, religion, ancestry, straight or gay...doesn't enter into ( I was going to say sexual preference...but that would put the blanket over father-raper's, pig-rapers, child-molesters, penguin-lusters, and those other sick folks who are into inanimate objects....there are some things I just can't stand for!)