When joining the military


Active Member
There is a form one must sign saying more or less:
'we are not asking if you are homo or bisexual however you are not permitted to publicly display any tendencies of that nature such as kissing, holding hands etc... You will not publicly state that you are homo or bisexual and you will not marry someone of the same sex.'

How do yall feel about this?


It's absolutely necessary. What goes on behind closed doors, fan rooms, whatever..is none of my business. But it's not professional for it to be out in the open.

That type of behavior (kissing, hand holding, etc.) doesnt happen between two military members of opposite sex while in uniform either.

There are all kinds of other rules regarding rank, command structure, etc. for dating within the service.

I think it's fine just the way it is.


Active Member
said nothing about being in uniform or with another person who is in the military... it meant flat out period...


b*tch rocket
Spoiled said:
said nothing about being in uniform or with another person who is in the military... it meant flat out period...
Officer's can't date enlisted, in uniform or out of uniform. :shrug: Happens all the time, but it is against the rules.


Christy said:
Officer's can't date enlisted, in uniform or out of uniform. :shrug: Happens all the time, but it is against the rules.
:yeahthat: also the enlisted rule of dating of "one up or one down" (as far as rank goes).


And a lot of that "no homo displays in public" rule is because it's unprofessional as well as it would make it difficult to arrange the straight and gay barracks/berthing areas, and cost a bunch of money too at that.

river rat

Seems as though the new clause is working for now....
What do I think of it.....
Who really cares.
My old man said " If two people wanna get together... there gonna do it and no one can stop it."

When troops are sent out on long deployments together, the are not only exercising their technical training, they are also forming bonds that will stand up in war zones and make them all work together like "one". One huge war machine.
Standards must be set, and structure leads to disciplines. Disciplines must be enforced and upheld in order to keep the machine as "one".
You have to give up "your" individualism" at every level to work as a team at this level.
"Flamers" are all about individualism and patriotic gays are the ones who have no problems with the Code of Conduct.
We take an OATH, remember?
No special privledges for any soldier, sailor, or Marine.


river rat said:
Seems as though the new clause is working for now....
What do I think of it.....
Who really cares.
My old man said " If two people wanna get together... there gonna do it and no one can stop it."

When troops are sent out on long deployments together, the are not only exercising their technical training, they are also forming bonds that will stand up in war zones and make them all work together like "one". One huge war machine.
Standards must be set, and structure leads to disciplines. Disciplines must be enforced and upheld in order to keep the machine as "one".
You have to give up "your" individualism" at every level to work as a team at this level.
"Flamers" are all about individualism and patriotic gays are the ones who have no problems with the Code of Conduct.
We take an OATH, remember?
No special privledges for any soldier, sailor, or Marine.
the Air Farce has special privledges though... :yikes:


New Member
The actual military policy is still "Don't Ask and Don't Tell"

Sodomy is still an offense in the Uniform Code of Military Justice although it is a rarely charged...it is also against the UCMJ to have sex with anyone not your opposite-sex spouse (adultery.) The enforcement as one might imagine is selective. You've pissed somebody off for other reasons, but you got busted for this.

Most services have policies to cover married couples, for instance the Navy attempts to keep married folks in the same geographical area, but in separate commands; and to keep one on sea duty while the other is on shore duty. It is not perfect, but some other services do go to extremes.....A Marine Officer had better not become involved with an enlisted person of any branch of the service....they take a dim view of such things and have been know to Court-Martial their Officers for marrying Enlisteds.

It is kind of funny how this has evolved over the years....when I first joined the Navy, I knew of a few folks who claimed to be gay in order to be given a general discharge....ala Max Klinger.....and I suspect that there are still a few folks out there who are going that route. However, the two Sailors that worked for me that did admit to being gay did so AFTER serving their full contracted service and were discharged honorably.

The bottomline, you are either an honorable person or you are not....race, religion, ancestry, straight or gay...doesn't enter into ( I was going to say sexual preference...but that would put the blanket over father-raper's, pig-rapers, child-molesters, penguin-lusters, and those other sick folks who are into inanimate objects....there are some things I just can't stand for!) :elaine:


Active Member
RangerJohn said:
The bottomline, you are either an honorable person or you are not....race, religion, ancestry, straight or gay...doesn't enter into ( I was going to say sexual preference...but that would put the blanket over father-raper's, pig-rapers, child-molesters, penguin-lusters, and those other sick folks who are into inanimate objects....there are some things I just can't stand for!) :elaine:
I agree...


Active Member
dustin said:
What's your stance on this subject?
i dont think its right, however i signed the form seeing how it doesnt apply to me in anyway... i understand that it isnt professional, but lets say the USMC ball, should a homosexual not be allowed to dance with a man? I gotta get going though, ill post again later


Spoiled said:
i dont think its right, however i signed the form seeing how it doesnt apply to me in anyway... i understand that it isnt professional, but lets say the USMC ball, should a homosexual not be allowed to dance with a man? I gotta get going though, ill post again later
What type of dancing? Like 1 on 1 dancing? Or line dancing with a bunch of "the guys"?


New Member
Spoiled said:
i dont think its right, however i signed the form seeing how it doesnt apply to me in anyway... i understand that it isnt professional, but lets say the USMC ball, should a homosexual not be allowed to dance with a man? I gotta get going though, ill post again later

I daresay that the "couple" would most likely not make to onto the dance floor at all, and it would be a 100% certainty that they would have some really sub-standard (not too mention separate) accomodations in the nearest brig, within the hour. Let's just say the Corps is a little stubborn on this! :killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think Don't Ask Don't Tell is silly, but I'll leave it to the military to decide if they want gays or not. All employers have a right to discriminate against whoever they want. Try being a fat ugly chick and getting a job at Hooters or Coyote Ugly. I know because I tried. :jet:

These are the rules and I find it hard to believe that some gay guy is so all-fired gung ho to join the military that they would even care about this. They're either discrete and respectful or they're just some flamer looking to make a stink. Frankly, I'd let lesbians join but not gay men because women are cooler about homosexuality than men are so it wouldn't be as big a deal them all bunking together.


But wait, there's more...
dustin said:
Or line dancing with a bunch of "the guys"?
I can't recall (and not cuz I was a drunk Air Farce member) a time when I saw a group of men in uniform line dancing. :killingme :killingme

Not even at a few military weddings I attended ... but thanks for that visual. :lmao:


vraiblonde said:
I think Don't Ask Don't Tell is silly, but I'll leave it to the military to decide if they want gays or not. All employers have a right to discriminate against whoever they want. Try being a fat ugly chick and getting a job at Hooters or Coyote Ugly. I know because I tried. :jet:

These are the rules and I find it hard to believe that some gay guy is so all-fired gung ho to join the military that they would even care about this. They're either discrete and respectful or they're just some flamer looking to make a stink. Frankly, I'd let lesbians join but not gay men because women are cooler about homosexuality than men are so it wouldn't be as big a deal them all bunking together.
Don't ask, Don't tell was a compromise put in place by Bill Clinton. He promised during his campaign to remove the homosexual ban and integrate gays into the military to pander to the gay/gay friendly vote. When he got elected the "promise" turned into a "compromise".

I suspect that the joint chiefs closed the door and told Clinton "If you do this the only thing standing between the Mexican Army and the USA will be 2 or 3 battalions of snappy dressers who have an uncanny ability to accesorize and color coordinate because everyone will bail out of the military and recruitment will drop to 0." And thus Don't ask, Don't tell was born and within months it already had it's limits tested.

I do not see the form as anything to discuss, it is the law. :shrug: The "Tell" part of Don't ask, Don't tell covers much more than just verbally communicating homosexuality. 2 guys sucking face and groping each other in the TV lounge of a barracks is just as much a "Tell" as walking into the skippers office and telling him you like show tunes and comfortable shoes.
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