When joining the military


Enjoying life!
Pete said:
2 guys sucking face and groping each other in the TV lounge of a barracks is just as much a "Tell" as walking into the skippers office and telling him you like show tunes and comfortable shoes.
What about two girls? Okay...two hot girls? :really:


Steve said:
What about two girls? Okay...two hot girls? :really:
In the Navy tickets would be sold. In the Air Force Bill and Tom would be told to take it to their suite in the Senior Airmans BEQ. :yay:


Enjoying life!
Pete said:
In the Navy tickets would be sold. In the Air Force Bill and Tom would be told to take it to their suite in the Senior Airmans BEQ. :yay:
:poorbaby: Your Navy stint just wasn't as fascinating as my Air Force stint, was it? :lol:


Enjoying life!
aps45819 said:
I think it's OK as long as both chicks are hot :yay:
That's why I qualified my post. :yay: AF chicks are usually hot, so it's all good.

My facetiouness only stems from the fact that I'm just fascinated by the opinion that the subject of homosexuality in the military always focuses on guys only.
Homosexual women: A-Okay.
Homosexual men: the downfall of the armed forces

People are just so stupid and plain ignorant. JMHO


curiouser and curiouser
crabcake said:
I can't recall (and not cuz I was a drunk Air Farce member) a time when I saw a group of men in uniform line dancing. :killingme :killingme

Not even at a few military weddings I attended ... but thanks for that visual. :lmao:


Routinely Derailed
I think it's sad that we have to have a form to make people agree to act like reasonably disciplined adults. I was in the service before the don't-ask-don't-tell :barf: policy, but while the quality and basic moral values of new people coming in were going down the tubes. I wouldn't want to be back in the military under the current conditions.


Active Member
Railroad said:
I think it's sad that we have to have a form to make people agree to act like reasonably disciplined adults. I was in the service before the don't-ask-don't-tell :barf: policy, but while the quality and basic moral values of new people coming in were going down the tubes. I wouldn't want to be back in the military under the current conditions.
which branch were you in?


I bowl overhand
Spoiled said:
There is a form one must sign saying more or less:
'we are not asking if you are homo or bisexual however you are not permitted to publicly display any tendencies of that nature such as kissing, holding hands etc... You will not publicly state that you are homo or bisexual and you will not marry someone of the same sex.'

How do yall feel about this?
There are two major forms you sign when join the military the SF-86, National Security Questionaire and the DDfm1966(??) Can't remember the from Number, The question of Homosexuality was deleted during Clintons term. and the last I knew (as of Dec 2000) there was still no mention of sexual preference on any elistment form.
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Lobster Land
Obviously I was in the Navy well before "Don't ask, Don't tell. Matter of fact one wasn't admitted if it were known they liked other men. At that time there were very few if any women in my field. Still some got in and if they ever revealed themselves believe me a blanket party was provided prior to their discharge. I'm not anti-gay but please do not flaunt it openly. It's just the way I grew up and I'm to old to open my mind and accept the way todays military, or world, is today. JMO!


crabcake said:
I can't recall (and not cuz I was a drunk Air Farce member) a time when I saw a group of men in uniform line dancing. :killingme :killingme

Not even at a few military weddings I attended ... but thanks for that visual. :lmao:
What about the Cha-Cha slide? :shrug:


I bowl overhand
OLD man.. :ditto:. not only were they not allowed in the MOS, but the few we had on our base in Germany were removed to serve elsewhere.. (Finance clerks and Upper Echelon support)


Super Genius
Speak of the devil...
Court to Release Tape of Gay Policy Debate
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court will hear arguments Tuesday on the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy toward gays, then immediately release audio tapes of the proceeding.
The case to be argued Tuesday, deciding the constitutionality of the Solomon Amendment, deals with whether federal funds can be withheld from colleges that close their campuses to military recruiters in a protest of the current military policy toward gays.


Active Member
itsbob said:
The question of Homosexuality was deleted during Clintons term. and the last I knew (as of Dec 2000) there was still no mention of sexual preference on any elistment form.
Well I assure you there is an entire form now dedicated to homo and bisexuality... and its mentioned on several other forms as well... That was the only form they did not say anything about when filling stuff out...They explained policies and what not for every form with the exception of that one.


curiouser and curiouser
Spoiled said:
Well I assure you there is an entire form now dedicated to homo and bisexuality... and its mentioned on several other forms as well... That was the only form they did not say anything about when filling stuff out...They explained policies and what not for every form with the exception of that one.
If you have a problem with the paperwork, don't join the military. There are plenty of men and women who couldn't care less. :shrug:


Active Member
Nickel said:
If you have a problem with the paperwork, don't join the military. There are plenty of men and women who couldn't care less. :shrug:
Is it wrong to care? The military isn’t about a witch hunt for gay people; it is about serving my country. The form, as I said before really doesn’t have an impact on me. I pick my battles; this one isn’t one I would be willing to fight if it meant costing me the chance to serve my country.