When Karma Bites You in the A$$


American Beauty
PREMO Member

Man Charged with Vandalism and Hate Crimes in 2022 Now Charged with Possession of Child Pornography After Allowing Police to Search His Home​

March 21, 2023


Charles Sutherland, 30-years-old of Takoma Park
UPDATE 3/19/2023: Charles Sutherland age 31 of Takoma Park was arrested in June of 2022, for spray painting the word “Groomer” on the front door of the Greenbelt Library, and the New Carrolton Library during Capitol Pride Week.
At the time of his arrest, Sutherland worked as a school librarian at the Northview Elementary School in Bowie.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
:lol: Protesting grooming while having child porn. Yeah, mutually exclusive, but still funny.
Exactly! This gives me the ultra ick factor. :barf:

Detectives recovered numerous diapers, children’s dolls, and a child-sized doll in Sutherland’s bed. According to Sutherland, he has no children, nieces or nephews.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of Karma....Had some kid fly up on my ass on Dares Beach rd. He was probably 3 feet off my bumper at 40mph. I tapped my brake hoping to wake him up and back off..Well, that didn't work, he got closer. Got to the traffic circle at Armory Rd, got in the circle with 2 cars in the circle following me, thinking that will stop him. Circled around to Armory rd and proceeded towards Main St. Crested a small hill, watching my speed cuz the State boys always have radar set up. Well, half way down the hill I see a State boy with radar and I look in my rear view seeing this jackass crest the hill at speed. Half way down the hill, he's approaching fast and then he noticed the popo, slams on his brakes to slow down. I drive past the cop and watch him turn on his lights, snuggles up to the kid and pulls him over. :yay: Hopefully he got a pricey tix but who knows. Just so you know, I didn't do a brake check, just tapped the brakes hoping to get him to back off and apparently he didn't like that..azzhat..:burning:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Speaking of Karma....Had some kid fly up on my ass on Dares Beach rd. He was probably 3 feet off my bumper at 40mph. I tapped my brake hoping to wake him up and back off..Well, that didn't work, he got closer. Got to the traffic circle at Armory Rd, got in the circle with 2 cars in the circle following me, thinking that will stop him. Circled around to Armory rd and proceeded towards Main St. Crested a small hill, watching my speed cuz the State boys always have radar set up. Well, half way down the hill I see a State boy with radar and I look in my rear view seeing this jackass crest the hill at speed. Half way down the hill, he's approaching fast and then he noticed the popo, slams on his brakes to slow down. I drive past the cop and watch him turn on his lights, snuggles up to the kid and pulls him over. :yay: Hopefully he got a pricey tix but who knows. Just so you know, I didn't do a brake check, just tapped the brakes hoping to get him to back off and apparently he didn't like that..azzhat..:burning:
I love watching it happen in real time.

Years ago me and a gf were out cruising one night, with a bunch of other people. I was stopped at a light and some chick wanted out of that gas station driveway. She was pissed I wouldn't let her out in front of me and called me all sorts of names, so I pointed and laughed at her. In her anger, she threw it in reverse and punched it. Right into the front end of a brand new Mercedes that was behind her. Stupid did hurt. :lmao: