When the President Talks to God


Well-Known Member
This weasely little greasy twirp gets on Leno and they tape him grunting through this horrible little ditty filled with Bush bashing, irreligious mockery, and profanity. If I were up on stage (or near stage) I gladly would face an assault charge for knocking out his four front teeth with a microphone stand.
So much for Bright Eyes...he'd be sucking his strained peas through a straw for the next six months if I had 20 seconds with him.

I just saw the Clip on MSN on line
Try this attachment:

...look it up on line if you want to see what this little untermenshen sewer rat was gagging on.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
he'd be sucking his strained peas through a straw for the next six months if I had 20 seconds with him.

Man, Leno!! What's up with that? I never thought a song like that would have made it on Leno. :twitch:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Indeed they are. And they will suffer the consequences of that opinion as well.
Naw, I wouldn't even waste the energy. Wouldn't be worth it.

But does it really suprise you? I mean he is in the entertainment industry. Remember the Dixie Chicks?
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Well-Known Member

Stumbled twice in 15 seconds...yeah he was rattled.

Reading some of the college spin out there dominated by skulls full of mush had several people saying how surprised they were that REPUBLICAN Leno had Bright Eyes on....yup--those are the grant-sponsored ones. Good Lord how stupid are these "college" 5th graders?

Reading some of the Print reviews (non blog) I see a silly awe attached to his "Dillan-esque" style, they through the word "angst" around like they invented it, and marvel at his cleverness.

We are in a heap of trouble if these people believe they are the sharp crayons in the box.


Well-Known Member
Here is a sample review...

I read this and found myself smirking....

or how about this awe inspiring review?
"Oberst earned one of the night’s largest hoots during "When The President Talks To God." with its bold political stance. Whether poking fun at friend Jim James or ignoring shouts from the crowd without flinching or falling prey to the taunts, Oberst commanded the stage with maturity and indie strength. Quivering, and screeched his way through the agonizing parts of his tunes or getting the crowd riled up in the most intense parts of his lyrical narratives, a Bright Eyes show strums up energy in the most unique spots.

During an acoustic encore of "Lua" without his band, Oberst stopped mid-song, singing "can I have my band please." Apparently people in the front row were singing along to the acoustic personal number, making Oberst remark, " I can’t sing when other people are singing, it’s too weird." Perhaps the weirdest part is that this talent is so young, that like Bob Dylan before him, making words come to life and being a "voice," there still lies a lifetime of music to be heard." (http://www.glidemagazine.com/1/reviews652.html)
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
We are in a heap of trouble if these people believe they are the sharp crayons in the box.
Well, what are they going to do - admit they're stupid?

I wouldn't worry about it. Liberalism and Bush-bashing are dead - songs like that are just the corpse twitching.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Well, what are they going to do - admit they're stupid?

I wouldn't worry about it. Liberalism and Bush-bashing are dead - songs like that are just the corpse twitching.
I don't know about that, It seems we're in the middle of that largest liberal musical protest since the Vietnam era. Not near as large as they had back then, but the largest in my life time. Starting with, of all things, the Dixie Chicks in 2003. other bands that I listen to that have protest music are Nine Inch Nails, System of a Down, bright eyes(in this thread), Beastie Boys latest album is almost completely anti Bush, Green Day's Album American Idiot is the same and some other bands. This is just the music I listen to, so thier probably more.


Routinely Derailed
Bustem' Down said:
I don't know about that, It seems we're in the middle of that largest liberal musical protest since the Vietnam era. Not near as large as they had back then, but the largest in my life time. Starting with, of all things, the Dixie Chicks in 2003. other bands that I listen to that have protest music are Nine Inch Nails, System of a Down, bright eyes(in this thread), Beastie Boys latest album is almost completely anti Bush, Green Day's Album American Idiot is the same and some other bands. This is just the music I listen to, so thier probably more.
I hope you don't actually buy their CDs. Nobody should subsidize these creeps.


That's the beauty of life in our modern age. The fans who supported the musicians protesting the Vietnam War believed in free love. The fans that support today's musical protesters believe in free music. These sad sacks just don't get the bucks from the fans like in the old days, so they don't tend to last as long.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Railroad said:
I hope you don't actually buy their CDs. Nobody should subsidize these creeps.
Yes I do. There's another big difference about the music today vice that of the Veitnam era. People actually did something back then and the music actually ment something. People are too lazy nowadays and the way the music industry is today, these bands will continue to succeed no matter thier current releases. I like the way music sounds, I've never been once to let a song change my mind on anything.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
I don't know about that, It seems we're in the middle of that largest liberal musical protest since the Vietnam era. Not near as large as they had back then, but the largest in my life time. Starting with, of all things, the Dixie Chicks in 2003. other bands that I listen to that have protest music are Nine Inch Nails, System of a Down, bright eyes(in this thread), Beastie Boys latest album is almost completely anti Bush, Green Day's Album American Idiot is the same and some other bands. This is just the music I listen to, so thier probably more.
These are some really classy, top notch bands too. :duh: Ask the Dixies what happened to their sales after their brave anti Bush statements OVERSEAS. :lmao: All of these bands are "has beens" or "never where" IMO.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Mikeinsmd said:
These are some really classy, top notch bands too. :duh: Ask the Dixies what happened to their sales after their brave anti Bush statements OVERSEAS. :lmao: All of these bands are "has beens" or "never where" IMO.
No, your wrong. NIN is making a good comeback, and System of a Down is one of the biggest metal bands out there right now. Green Day as as old as they are are still able to push out platnum albums. The thing is, they way the music idustry is now a days, kids buy music they are told is good half the time and don't really know what's going on in politics, so the bands individual political opinion goes unheard.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
No, your wrong. NIN is making a good comeback, and System of a Down is one of the biggest metal bands out there right now.
A generation ago, Shaun Cassidy and Andy Gibb were about as huge as it gets. Where are they now?

A "big" metal band would be Metallica. Aerosmith, the Stones and the Beatles are "big" bands. NIN and Green Day are nobodies, with their little albums and short attention spans.

The Dixie Chicks weren't even nominated in a single category in the 2004 CMA awards. Not one. Americans don't like their entertainers embarrassing them abroad. You can get thrown in some Turkish prison for soliciting prostitution while you were drunk and trying to make a drug deal - but NEVER attack our President on foreign soil. That, we will not tolerate.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
The Dixie Chicks weren't even nominated in a single category in the 2004 CMA awards. Not one. Americans don't like their entertainers embarrassing them abroad. You can get thrown in some Turkish prison for soliciting prostitution while you were drunk and trying to make a drug deal - but NEVER attack our President on foreign soil. That, we will not tolerate.
They did worse than that, really. That naked cover they did was about their right to speak their mind - and then they "apologized". Then they insulted country music fans. Then Natalie Maines insulted "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue", saying it was ignorant.

I think, unlike Green Day, who might MAKE money ridiculing the President in ANY venue, country music fans are more likely to be conservative *supporters* of the President, and the Dixie Chicks just didn't use the good sense God gave them. If you want to keep selling CD's, don't insult your fans.

They're done. It's a shame - my wife and I loved their music. But I won't subsidize their politics. If I had a doctor or dentist who felt the need to broadcast their political sentiments all the time, I'd stop going to THEM, too. And if the folks in a given store feel the need to convert me to their religion, I'll stop going THERE, too.

It IS freedom of speech, freedom of expression.

*MY* voice is as free as theirs is, and I'm expressing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
They did worse than that, really. That naked cover they did was about their right to speak their mind - and then they "apologized". Then they insulted country music fans. Then Natalie Maines insulted "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue", saying it was ignorant.
I figure it was some cross-over publicity ploy to expand their base. What happened was that their base dumped them and the pop kiddies they had hoped to cultivate weren't interested in their country stylings.

Maybe other people are different from me, but I've never been such a big fan of any artist that they can't easily be replaced with someone else. I think some of these singers and actors think they're irreplaceable and have such a huge loyal following that they can do any damn thing and their fans will accept it. I mean, Brad Pitt is cute and a great actor, but I haven't seen a single movie of his since he and his twit ex-wife gave that juvenile Rolling Stones interview. And I don't miss him one little bit.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's use our thinking caps...

Green Day does "American Idiot' and denounces W live and their target audience knows nothing about Watergate or much of anything else frankly. It's a pseudo punk crowd.

The Dickhead Chicks audience knows the words to Sweet Home Alabama...

"...does your conscience bother you?"