When the President Talks to God


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PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I mean, Brad Pitt is cute and a great actor, but I haven't seen a single movie of his since he and his twit ex-wife gave that juvenile Rolling Stones interview. And I don't miss him one little bit.
Didn't know anything about that. What entertainers OUGHT to grasp, is that their entire livelihood depends on what people think of them - and I think you've hit upon the fact that they are VERY replaceable. I think what injures them is they believe their own hype - that their fame and fortune lies with their talent. I'm pretty sure that *I* am smart enough not to comment on issues I don't know a lot about, but when you're rich and famous - and stupid - you don't seem to learn that lesson.

The Dixie Chicks were unusual in that they have a very niche audience - outside of country music, nobody knows or cares who they are. Lose your popularity THERE, and you don't have anything. I don't think people with huge followings in these niches understand that - they don't get the fact that they can play to a crowd of 50,000 people - and then walk down the streets of, say, New York or Washington - and barely a soul recognizes them.

I remember something like this, in that church I was in. We'd have this national seminar, and this national leader would be in a hotel lobby - and other members would react to them, as though they were rock stars - *oblivious* to the fact that not a soul in the lobby has any idea who this person is, nor would they know if you told them. It's like when your kids go ga-ga over some famous skateboarder - and you have no clue who it is, nor are you going to remember the NEXT time they mention them - because they just AIN'T that famous.

Lesson to be learned - don't p!ss off your fanbase.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
they don't get the fact that they can play to a crowd of 50,000 people - and then walk down the streets of, say, New York or Washington - and barely a soul recognizes them.
Exactly. There was a quote by some libby socialite (can't remember her name off the top of my head), but she said, "How could George Bush win??? I don't know ANYONE who voted for him!!"

A classic :lol:


What I found humerous about the whole Dixie Chicks affair was their first post-comments concert in Greenville, SC. There was all this media hype and anticipation as to who would, or wouldn't show up, and then all this glory made about how the fans packed the stadium. Except now it appears that most of the "fans" were just anti-war folks and Democrats who showed up to show a brief, highly-publicized, bit of support. Unfortunately, like they usually do, the Dems quickly moved on to other issues and that left the Dixie Chicks hanging... a fact that isn't very widely publicized in the media.


Well-Known Member
Prediction for Bright Eyes...

Seeing that his top audience right now are disallusioned College druggies & wastrels, and his appeal lies with the extreme Left. I see two problems.

One...his music is not likely to evolve (ie starlight vocal band) and his tours seem somewhat scattered around--he'll keep doing the college scene for a few years and gradually burn out.

Two...it appears he has a serious alcohol problem (drinking most of the time he is on stage). Assuming he needs to "Keep UP" with the tour dates,..he probably already is popping speed, coke, or Mesc. This can lead to either detox or a "Tragic accident."

I look forward to seeing human nature taking effect as it always does. (However I would prefer the moth & 2000 volts outcome ..."The pretty blue light,...I can't help it.....BZZZZZ)

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
A generation ago, Shaun Cassidy and Andy Gibb were about as huge as it gets. Where are they now?

A "big" metal band would be Metallica. Aerosmith, the Stones and the Beatles are "big" bands. NIN and Green Day are nobodies, with their little albums and short attention spans.

The Dixie Chicks weren't even nominated in a single category in the 2004 CMA awards. Not one. Americans don't like their entertainers embarrassing them abroad. You can get thrown in some Turkish prison for soliciting prostitution while you were drunk and trying to make a drug deal - but NEVER attack our President on foreign soil. That, we will not tolerate.

You should stick to a generation ago. Metallica is no good anymore. They are part of that last generation, along with Aerosmith. Green Day is one of the premier names in the alternative scene right now, and considering that thier latest album was number 1 on the bilboard charts, I hardly think they're nobody.