when to go to the doctor


Well-Known Member
I've had a cold/sinus issues for about a week now. yesterday I developed a fever too. it's been bouncing back and forth between 98.6 and 102 since. at what point is it worth it to actually go in to the doctor. I'd really rather not pay the $20 co pay just to be told I have a cold.


Throwing the deuces
I've had a cold/sinus issues for about a week now. yesterday I developed a fever too. it's been bouncing back and forth between 98.6 and 102 since. at what point is it worth it to actually go in to the doctor. I'd really rather not pay the $20 co pay just to be told I have a cold.

If you're concerned enough to wonder about going to the doctors, you should go. JMO. I hope you feel better soon. I've had the drips for a few days and my nose is red and raw. :frown:


Well-Known Member
If you're concerned enough to wonder about going to the doctors, you should go. JMO. I hope you feel better soon. I've had the drips for a few days and my nose is red and raw. :frown:

pharmacist at target recommended aquaphor for my nose last time. it worked wonders! redness was gone within about 24 hours.


New Member
I've had a cold/sinus issues for about a week now. yesterday I developed a fever too. it's been bouncing back and forth between 98.6 and 102 since. at what point is it worth it to actually go in to the doctor. I'd really rather not pay the $20 co pay just to be told I have a cold.

Fever usually means your body is fighting an infection.

Get yourself a Sinus Rinse Kit. Ayr makes a good one. Use it everyday.... works wonders!


i think you should take a hot shower and run around barefoot in the middle of the night when its at its coldest :yay:
I've had a cold/sinus issues for about a week now. yesterday I developed a fever too. it's been bouncing back and forth between 98.6 and 102 since. at what point is it worth it to actually go in to the doctor. I'd really rather not pay the $20 co pay just to be told I have a cold.
Gross as it may be, try flushing your sinus'. Think enema for your nose. warm salt water will clear all the crap out of there. Then use a serious congestion nasal spray (Afrin No-Drip Severe Congestion w/ menthol or the Rite Aid version which is 2x as much product for less $). That's what I did over a year ago and I have been MUCH better off. Did the sinus flush for about 2 weeks (2-3x a week). Been maintaining with the nasal spray ever since.