When you were a kid...


PREMO Member
That coincided with me graduating to the adult table and leaving my cousins to their baby table.

there were too many of us, even as teens we got stuck in the front room on a card table

Ooh, remember the Sears WishBook?


with a magic marker ... checking toys off

Anyone remember the Life Savers candy "books"? I was probably the only kid in America who actually liked those and looked forward to them.

every roll but the fruit flavors
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PREMO Member
My favorite time was the night before, when the house was dark but the tree was all lit up. The anticipation.


Probably this ......
the tree did not go up until Christmas Eve ....
so it was a big deal, turn the lights out and watch the different colors flashing off the ceiling

the year my dad passed away [in Nov] we took the train to Grandma's house so that was interesting ..... leaving Union Station in DC and getting off track side in the dark in an exposed platform :lol: step right down into the snow
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Resident PIA
No one memory, maybe the times I followed my dad with sled as I played the part of the reindeer while he delivered gifts to the kids in the neighborhood (and I waited outside in the cold).


Well-Known Member
:lol: (Not at the memory, just the way you put it.)

Anyone remember the Life Savers candy "books"? I was probably the only kid in America who actually liked those and looked forward to them.

I loved those and got one every year. I carried on the tradition and got both my kids one every year. I saw them in Rite Aid the other day and they sure aren't the same. I should have bought myself one for old time's sake.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Helping my Nana make stuffed ham. Serving midnight mass with my brother. Now it's making stuffed for the family using my great grandmothers and the LW's G-Grandma's recipes, sitting in the LR with just the Christmas lights on and a drink in my hand. Listening to my oldest play violin during Mass in Christmas Eve.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Yes. I'm 'bout ready to iggy it.

How are you today? Good thanksgiving? We went to my uncles again. Looks like it's going to be one the new tradition, which is great. We didn't have family up there, so T-day was always unremarkable.

Spending the rest of the holiday working around the house. B built new shelves for the pantry yesterday. I can find stuff now. Like the 3 bags of flour I didn't know I had. It's taking forever to get everything put away and organized.

Tomorrow we have the hearing for our business license.

I stay so busy that, at the end of the day when I climb in bed and turn on the tv for a little down time, I'm asleep 5 minutes into whatever we're watching.

Livin' the dream!

When you comin' down to see us?

Hey chicka! Sounds like you are all doing great! Glad to hear you are all so happy. :smile:

The holiday was good. My family as all out of town, so I went over to a co-workers who like to take in holiday strays (former Navy) and had a good day with them. I spend most of my time either at work or at home, but I was out ALL day today. Nice change up!

No idea when I'll get down there for a visit, but I do hope to do so eventually!


If I may ...
If I may ...

No, you may not. Good grief, if you say that IRL every time you speak, people probably run and hide from you.

You know, mAlice, the professional daydreamer from Wonderland, my "If I may ..." started as a funny thing to do, and, has just become a kinda permanent thing. Similar to your avatar titles, I write mine out each time. But when I say it IRL, I do so with a snobbish and high brow English accent. Just kidding. I don't say it out in public. Don't know why it bothers you. Of all the twisted things being written in these forums, you need to pick on something I've been doing for nearly two years. It means nothing. Insinuates nothing. It's just fun for me to do each time I post. And there have been many times I've nearly forgotten to use it before I hit the "post" button. I think there might have been one or two times in which I posted where I forgot, but noticed immediately and then a quick edit. So now it's become a quirk of mine. Apologizes if it offends you, or others. But I am not ready to stop doing it. So if you really have to "iggy" me, well, go ahead. But you know, if you do that, you just might miss out on some that awesome, thoughtful, and insightful commentary of mine. And you don't want to miss that, do you? Have a very Merry Christmas.

Why is everybody picking on me?
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
We were also military, so my favorite Christmas memories include all the YUM Italian treats we would get. I was young, when I lived there, so I remember the cakes, the pastries, the candies. They had awesome chocolate candy. Since I was young, I don't remember all the names of them, though. :ohwell: They didn't celebrate Christmas on Dec 25th, of course, they celebrated Epiphany on January 6, and for those years we lived there, we had the best of both worlds. :biggrin: Home was whereever we lived at the time, so we did adopt traditions from other places along the way. (Stuffed ham, oyster dishes,etc.)

We had no TV over there - but we had awesome Christmas music, which they played a LOT during the holidays. All the greats: Bing Crosby, Jim Reeves, Burl Ives, and others from that time. When I moved out on my own, I even made a cassette tape of all the favorites so I could have them at my own place. Then later, I found a CD from Reader's Digest (Christmas Through the Years) which I played when I had Thing1 and then later, Thing 2. We always played them while we decorated the tree and around the holidays, especially on Christmas eve. My absolute favorite Christmas Carol is O Holy Night. I love that song and have it by many different artists.

My mother used to make Christmas "bars" (not cookies) and also fudge and divinity - both of which I loved and I cannot seem to duplicate myself. I mean, I have the recipes, but apparently, I lack the patience and finesse for candy-making. :lol: MY thing is cookies. Not necessarily decorated Christmas cookies, although I have done those. No, when I became the cookie baker, I made my all my dad's favorites: peanut butter, chocolate chip and a few other assorted cookies through the years have rotated in and out of favor. My boys love the "no bake" snacks. Foxhound likes Oatmeal Raisin.

We also used to get the Sears & Roebuck catalog overseas. Hours and hours were spent looking through it! And we loved the Lifesavers candy books - definitely a stocking stuffer of ours.


Active Member
Sleeping in my brothers room trying to stay awake to hear Santa land on the roof, talking about what we hoped Santa would bring us. Then running downstairs first thing in the morning to see if the cookies and milk were gone.

My nephews are just about at that age where they won't be believing in Santa much longer and it's breaking my heart.


God bless the USA
Sleeping in my brothers room trying to stay awake to hear Santa land on the roof, talking about what we hoped Santa would bring us. Then running downstairs first thing in the morning to see if the cookies and milk were gone.

My nephews are just about at that age where they won't be believing in Santa much longer and it's breaking my heart.

I love your story. I forgot about all that. Thanks. I know what you mean about the getting too old for Santa. I have a Christmas pillow that I love that says 'Believe'. I take that sentiment to heart all year round. My first grandchild will experience her first Christmas at 11 months old. The magic will begin again! :smile:

Merry Christmas, Inkd. You have always been one of my favorite members here.
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Well-Known Member
1. Mainly, the anticipation at the foot of the stairs while my parents went down to "light up the tree".
2. The all day playing of Christmas music. Now, of course, it plays non-stop starting at Thanksgiving, but back then it was unusual.
3. The rush as you FIRST saw the presents and toys under the tree. And thinking it got there by *magic*.
4. The quiet after an hour or so when Mom and Dad went back to bed (why were they so TIRED?) and we all played anyway.
5. Crumbling bread with dad to make stuffing for the turkey.
6. The night before, when we sat around the tree in the dark and sang songs and my dad - who had the worst singing voice ever heard on the planet - would sing the only time we'd ever hear him.


Well-Known Member
Going to my Grandparents house oh how I wish I could go back in time to see them,the whole town of Osceola Mills PA had x-mas lights up when we pulled into town and seen all those lights me and my little brother thought we were in heaven,god I miss those days.


Active Member
The year I got the Hai Karate gift set instead of Old Spice was one to remember. Listening to Nat King Cole on the 8 track was mandatory.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I remember the year I knew Santa was not real. My dad had written a note from Santa and placed it on the door to our living room. It said for ME to wake our parents up first before going in.

My dad was left-handed and had very distinct handwriting, so... yeah. I knew it was his writing. :lol: I was probably in 3rd grade, so about 8 years old.


Well-Known Member
Going to my Grandparents house oh how I wish I could go back in time to see them,the whole town of Osceola Mills PA had x-mas lights up when we pulled into town and seen all those lights me and my little brother thought we were in heaven,god I miss those days.

My mother is from Houtzdale. Lots of fond memories of visiting my grandmother, just not on Christmas.


Podunk FL
Ooh, remember the Sears WishBook? My cousins and I would pore over it for hours.

My brother's and I would also....we had so many things on our wish list it was unreal. lol

Every year we would be allowed to open ONE present Christmas eve that mom and dad had selected. Usually it was new pajama lol. We would go to the candle light service at church and at the end everyone would get out of their seats and make a big circle around the pews. The candles would be lit and everyone would sing. It was beautiful. Also usually my older brother would almost always puke when we got home from the excitement of Christmas.

No one was allowed to open presents until everyone was out of bed. So the lazy brother who like to sleep would get dragged out of bed by one of us. Everyone would open stockings first and the present opening was very organized. Dad would hand them out. We all had equal amount of $$ spent but sometimes one would get more presents because of the cost of them.

Pre-Christmas traditions - baking tons of cookies with mom. Driving around looking at the Christmas lights.
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Active Member
I love your story. I forgot about all that. Thanks. I know what you mean about the getting too old for Santa. I have a Christmas pillow that I love that says 'Believe'. I take that sentiment to heart all year round. My first grandchild will experience her first Christmas at 11 months old. The magic will begin again! :smile:

Merry Christmas, Inkd. You have always been one of my favorite members here.

Merry Christmas to you as well.


cookies & pies... I loved baking them with my mom and grandma and of course, eating them.

We made all sorts of cookies & pies... my favorite was anything with pecans in it.