Where Did the Money Come From?


Main Streeter
I can't see much evidence that his first book made all that much money until 2004, nine years after its release. How much did it make before then?
I don't know how much it made early on but at some point, sales took off and extra cash rolled and loans were paid off.


Well-Known Member
Have I ever read they said they were dirt poor?

I have no idea what you have said - I do know that this is how they are portrayed in the media. For some reason, people want to believe if you are raised in Chicago and you're black, you're probably poor. Some stories about Michelle mention her dad worked at a water treatment plant, but neglect to mention he was an engineer there. They lived in the south side, but in a somewhat nice middle class area. Same goes for Obama - depicted as growing up a poor black kid raised by grandma, but he lived reasonably well growing up.


Not following you here on the time line - the first book was published thirteen years ago, 12 years after he left Columbia and four years after he left law school, and his second book only came out two years ago. He wasn't even in politics at all with the first book, and everything I can find shows it didn't begin to sell much until after 2004, when he made his famous speech and was elected to the Senate.

Paraphrasing what I remember - can't find what I was reading. Can I get back to you perhaps? My boss is in the hover position and there's a gazillion other things I should be doing right now.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
She married (re-married?) someone who moved the family to India.

That was the step-father and it was Indonesia. And if they had any money, how come the step-dad's blood son is living on a $1 a month or whatever it was? And why was Barack sent back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents?

And what's with these Democrats and their dysfunctional family lives? Bill Clinton's dad was a drunkard who was killed before he was born, then Bill was adopted by his step-father, who was a drunkard that beat the #### out of him and his Mom. Somehow, he went from that family atmosphere to Georgetown, the Oxford, then Yale.

These guys should share their success story so other kids from dysfunctional families can know how they managed to achieve all that.


NOT Politically Correct!!
We may never find the money trail but we sure know how NObama saved a bunch of money with his slum lord Syrian buddy when buying his million dollar+ mansion!!! :coffee:
I think this was discussed before and someone suggested Terrorist funds.

Obama camp warns stations not to air 'radical' ad

Sen. Barack Obama is warning TV stations and asking the Justice Department to intervene in an attempt to block the airing of an ad by a non-profit group that links him to an unrepentant domestic terrorist.

The spot by the American Issues Project questions Obama's ties to William Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground organization who boasted of a series of bomb attacks at the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol four decades ago.

Add starts... "Obama's political career launched in Ayers' home"
U of I at Chicago opens Ayers records -- chicagotribune.com

The University of Illinois at Chicago has opened records from a nonprofit organization Barack Obama served on that's linked to former '60s radical William Ayers.

Those records include 140 boxes of documents from a school reform group called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which Ayers was instrumental in starting and Obama chaired in the 1990s.

Ayers teaches at the university. He has a controversial past that some supporters of Republican John McCain want to highlight because of his past work with Obama.

Several news organizations, including The Associated Press, began reviewing the records of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge on Tuesday. The group was awarded nearly $50 million by a foundation in the 1990s to help reform city schools.
OR WHAT??? He won't give us change and hope? :rolleyes:

I love how these Leftists freakjobs are all for free speech when it's them hurling accusations against a Republican. But the second anyone says a word they don't like, they start bawling like little babies and try to get their opponents silenced.

THERE is your candidate, Democrats. There he is.

Ayers was a founder of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a school-reform group. Obama chaired its board from 1995-99. National Review reported last week that UIC said records detailing meetings and other business were public, then reversed itself. UIC said Friday there was a misunderstanding.

Obama and Ayers, now a professor and author, live a few blocks apart in this city's Hyde Park neighborhood. Conservative activists say their relationship is evidence that Ayers' radical politics helped mold Obama's views.

"Ayers is clearly a relevant issue as it relates to Obama's pattern of relationships," says David Bossie of Citizens United.

American Issues Project spokesman Christian Pinkston says Ayers' influence is an open question, but "it's hard to see how one actually could resolve having any sort of relationship with an admitted, remorseless domestic terrorist."

The ad notes that Weathermen bombed the Capitol and asks why Obama would "be friends with someone who bombed the Capitol and is proud of it?"

Obama dogged by links to 1960s radical - USATODAY.com

Get this...

Campaign officials say the 47-year-old candidate and the 63-year-old UIC education professor have only a casual relationship.

"The last time Obama saw Ayers was about a year ago when he crossed paths with him while biking in the neighborhood," says Ben LaBolt, a campaign spokesman. "The suggestion that Ayers was a political adviser to Obama or someone who shaped his political views is patently false."


Ayers and Obama have moved in some of the same circles:

•In 1995, Ayers hosted a brunch for Obama, who was running for the Illinois Senate.

The ad says this meeting launched Obama's political career. Quentin Young, a physician who was there, says it was a typical Hyde Park event and to imply otherwise is "guilt by simultaneously being in the same place."

•In 1997, they were on a juvenile justice panel sponsored by the University of Chicago. They were on a 2002 panel on intellectualism that was co-sponsored by the Chicago Public Library.

•In 1997, the Chicago Tribune published a blurb from Obama about books he was reading. Obama said he was reading Ayers' A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court.

•From 1999-2002, both men were on the board of the Woods Fund, a Chicago foundation that makes grants to arts and civic groups. Obama left the board in 2002; Ayers remains on it.

Laura Washington, chairwoman of the Woods Fund board, says suggestions of close ties are "an attempt to demonize Bill as a way of damaging Barack Obama."

•Ayers gave $200 to Obama's 2001 state Senate campaign.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I would love to know how Ayers not only managed to avoid prison, but became the toast of Chicago and a professor at the University of Illinois.


aka Mrs. Giant
I would love to know how Ayers not only managed to avoid prison, but became the toast of Chicago and a professor at the University of Illinois.

It's cool to be PC. Same way all the militant Black Panthers are now civic minded community leaders. :eyebrow:
Mig... here's a tidbit on the launch of his senate career...:bubble:

Report: Obama mentored by Communist Party figure

Obama's run for the Illinois state Senate was launched by a fundraiser organized at Ayers' and Dorhn's Chicago home by Alice Palmer. Palmer had named Obama to succeed her in the state Senate in 1995, when she decided to run for a U.S. congressional seat.

Nine years before Palmer picked Obama to be her successor, she was the only African-American journalist to travel to the Soviet Union to attend the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, according to an article Palmer wrote in the CPUSA newspaper, People's Daily World, June 19, 1986.

"There has been no explanation of why Ayers et al. played a role in launching Obama's political career," Kincaid wrote.

Kincaid and Romerstein present documentation that Tom Hayden, another major figure in the SDS, is today one of four principal initiators of the "Progressives for Obama" movement, which calls for ending the war in Iraq "as quickly as possible, not in five years."

According to Kincaid and Romerstein, U.S. Peace Council executive committee member Frank Chapman "blew the whistle on communist support for Obama's presidential bid and his real agenda" in a letter to the People's Weekly World after Obama's win in the Iowa Democratic Party caucuses.

"Obama's victory was more than a progressive move; it was a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle," Chapman wrote. "Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface.

Kincaid and Romerstein wrote, "The clear implication of Chapman's letter is that Obama himself, or some of his Marxist supporters, are acting like moles in the political process. The suggestion is that something is being hidden from the public."


aka Mrs. Giant
"The clear implication of Chapman's letter is that Obama himself, or some of his Marxist supporters, are acting like moles in the political process. The suggestion is that something is being hidden from the public."

No shiyat.

Sooooo, ties to terrorists, ties to communists, and ties to people who get arrested and go to jail in order to finance him a house on the sly....meanwhile, nobody investigates any of this?

I feel more and more uncomfortable with this man. Makes me wonder exactly what kind of change he is proposing...the end of democracy?

Is this man a plant? a sleeper agent? (okay that's my imagination running wild...but isn't it odd that Russia is all of a sudden awake and on the move after Obama is dubbed our next President by the media and after Obama's whirlwind world tour accepting the US presidency and he's got all these extremist ties? :jameo: )
No shiyat.

Sooooo, ties to terrorists, ties to communists, and ties to people who get arrested and go to jail in order to finance him a house on the sly....meanwhile, nobody investigates any of this?

I feel more and more uncomfortable with this man. Makes me wonder exactly what kind of change he is proposing...the end of democracy?

Is this man a plant? a sleeper agent? (okay that's my imagination running wild...but isn't it odd that Russia is all of a sudden awake and on the move after Obama is dubbed our next President by the media and after Obama's whirlwind world tour accepting the US presidency and he's got all these extremist ties? :jameo: )
More uncomfortable ties...

American Thinker: Barack Obama and Israel


New Member
I would love to know how Ayers not only managed to avoid prison, but became the toast of Chicago and a professor at the University of Illinois.

When you find that out please investigate how Dr. Maulana Ron Karenga, the inventer of Kwaanza, and the man who In 1971 was convicted of felony assault and false imprisonment for assaulting and torturing over a two day period two women from the Us organization, Deborah Jones and Gail Davis, became a college professor.