Where did you go to college?

Where did you go to college?

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Well-Known Member
I just received a PM telling me that community colleges are just for underacheivers and half wits. So, it sparked this.


Taking out trailer trash
sockgirl77 said:
I just received a PM telling me that community colleges are just for underacheivers and half wits. So, it sparked this.
Where is your degree?? Oh wait you didn't get one huh?


Football addict
Community college first and then a state-college. Community college was good for a start but the college I'm at now actually makes you think, display effort consistently, and is far more challenging. CSM was a decent start, it got me motivated enough to want to at least attend college. I've garnered an immense amount of knowledge and self-worth out of St. Mary's however.


Taking out trailer trash
BuddyLee said:
Community college first and then a state-college. Community college was good for a start but the college I'm at now actually makes you think, display effort consistently, and is far more challenging. CSM was a decent start, it got me motivated enough to want to at least attend college. I've garnered an immense amount of knowledge and self-worth out of St. Mary's however.
That is refreshing to see! Good for you! I hope you do well there!


New Member
I started out at Chucky U, 13th year University aka CSM, I think Community Colleges are great financially. I transferred to University of Maryland University College to finish the Bachelors, may pursue the Masters there as well. People may knock community colleges, but it's a good start IMO, I think CSM needs an enema sometimes, but oh well. UMUC is so different, the professors actually care, the learning is totally different, they inspire and spark your thirst for knowledge. They're an institution for learning, instead of an institution to learn, (I feel CSM falls into this sometimes).

Additionally, I think people get too involved in where the degree comes from, unless you're planning to be an astronaut for NASA. I wonder how often an employer really looks at the degree granting institution. I feel it's not the roads you take to get there, it's the final destination that matters, you can take a different road to get to the same place!

BTW, who gives a ratsA$$ what others think, A) You shouldn't waste your time worrying about what others think, because they will regardless and B) It's what you think that matters! C) Are they paying for it?
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Football addict
Spudtrooper said:
That is refreshing to see! Good for you! I hope you do well there!
Thanks. I think I could have done better without the job but one benefit of that was recently paying off every penny of college, nothing owed.


Taking out trailer trash
BuddyLee said:
Thanks. I think I could have done better without the job but one benefit of that was recently paying off every penny of college, nothing owed.
You used it as a stepping stone and that is what matters. You are on the way to something better now. You are right you earned it by paying for it and that will make a big difference.


I went to Montgomery Community College (Harvard on the Pike) for a year and my credits all transferred to SSC. (now SU)

The classes at the community college were every bit as challenging as the ones at SSC.

The difference? A lot less money per credit hour.

A community college can offer you a two year degree. Depending on what you want to do, that might be all you need/want.

I took advantage of my situation, got my BS degree and partied for 4 years.


Skiing in the clouds
sockgirl77 said:
I just received a PM telling me that community colleges are just for underacheivers and half wits. So, it sparked this.

NOYFB You snooty people on here are just tooo much..............


Since I'm a disabled veteran, the Dept of VA gave me a free ride to a private university of my choice in Chicago. It was a sweet deal being that they paid my tuition, books, fees, and gave me a COLA every month to live- a 4-year degree costed me absolutely nothing. Got my B.S. in I.T. even though the job I'm in now no way relates to it. I've always had an interest in computers so I thought I would explore this option and it turned out that it wasn't interesting as I thought. So now I'm back to doing the line of work I once did in the Marines and make a whole lot more than I would if I were in the I.T. field...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
sockgirl77 said:
I just received a PM telling me that community colleges are just for underacheivers and half wits.
Your PM buddy is an idiot. The lawyer who did our last refi had a Georgetown diploma hanging on her wall. She did most of her classes at CC on the cheap, then finished up at the expensive place.