Where did you go to college?

Where did you go to college?

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Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Your PM buddy is an idiot. The lawyer who did our last refi had a Georgetown diploma hanging on her wall. She did most of her classes at CC on the cheap, then finished up at the expensive place.
My PM buddy was Spudtrooper. He/she/it claimed that Charles County Community College (CSM) was for underacheivers and half wits because they know that I took classes there.


" Also Avail. In Sober!"
to each is own i guess, i never went to college, and i came out alright i guess. i know too many people who have gone are in no way using it..... i can tell you there are ways to make more than a college graduate.

"I didnt go to college, and look at me?! im kickass!?!?!" - Jack Black, O.C.


sockgirl77 said:
I just received a PM telling me that community colleges are just for underacheivers and half wits. So, it sparked this.

WELL I guess you fit in just fine with the so called losers at CC.

Tidewater community college graduated in 1992.
Started chuck U in 1996 and transferred to University of Maryland University College.


Well-Known Member
Dougstermd said:
WELL I guess you fit in just fine with the so called losers at CC.

Tidewater community college graduated in 1992.
Started chuck U in 1996 and transferred to University of Maryland University College.
Yeah. I am a half with who has not acheived much. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Dougstermd said:

I guess you did not get to the spelling course. :killingme
No. I'm half asleep waiting for naptime. :yay:

Have you ever taken the time to read a majority of your posts? Clearly you did not get to the spelling course. Leave me alone. :smack:


sockgirl77 said:
No. I'm half asleep waiting for naptime. :yay:

Have you ever taken the time to read a majority of your posts? Clearly you did not get to the spelling course. Leave me alone. :smack:

SORRY I could not resist. If you are going to brag about all you have achieved you should atleast spell achieved correctly.

I before E except after C:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Dougstermd said:
SORRY I could not resist. If you are going to brag about all you have achieved you should atleast spell achieved correctly.

I before E except after C:shrug:
Where did you see me brag about all the I have achieved?


Taking out trailer trash
sockgirl77 said:
Yeah. I am a half with who has not acheived much. :rolleyes:
Too bad there isn't a degree is getting knocked up out of wedlock by losers! You'd be head of the class!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spudtrooper said:
Too bad there isn't a degree is getting knocked up out of wedlock by losers! You'd be head of the class!
I doubt that. There are women who have more out of wedlock children than Sockgirl. Rosie O'Donnell has more out of wedlock children than Sockgirl. So does Mia Farrow.


Taking out trailer trash
vraiblonde said:
I doubt that. There are women who have more out of wedlock children than Sockgirl. Rosie O'Donnell has more out of wedlock children than Sockgirl. So does Mia Farrow.
I said 'out of wedlock children with losers'...I don't knwo who the real father is of Rosie or Mia's children.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Spudtrooper said:
I said 'out of wedlock children with losers'...I don't knwo who the real father is of Rosie or Mia's children.
Rosie probably doesn't know either...


100% Goapele Head!
I went to UDC initially which is a city University and I took a real estate course through Weichert which is an Other and now I am taking courses online with CSM which is a community college.


Lobster Land
None of the above. I didn't like high school although I didn't have any problem getting through it. At 17 I had no idea in the world what I wanted to do so entered the U.S.N. and let Uncle Sam take me where he wanted. Loved it. Then got hired down here by the same man until I retired. Could I have done better with further education, undoubtably, but I have no regrets. Some people just have no need/desire for college to live and enjoy life.


oldman said:
None of the above. I didn't like high school although I didn't have any problem getting through it. At 17 I had no idea in the world what I wanted to do so entered the U.S.N. and let Uncle Sam take me where he wanted. Loved it. Then got hired down here by the same man until I retired. Could I have done better with further education, undoubtably, but I have no regrets. Some people just have no need/desire for college to live and enjoy life.



New Member
It doesn't matter where you started you college education only if you completed what you started and where that last degree came from.

The community college route is the most cost effective manner of getting those required courses out of the way. Once those are done, then you go the 4 year school...and beyond if needed.

I started and finished at UMCP. Had I started at a CC, I wouldn't have been so ridiculously broke when I finished. Of course, had I finished in 4 years instead of 5 1/2....I wouldn't have been so broke either...or maybe it was all the money I spent on beer??? Nah....couldn't have been...beer and pizza were my main source of nourishment!

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
It's interesting that anyone would look down on someone trying to better themselves. It doesn't matter how you get your education, whether it be college, the armed forces, or on-the-job learning and any combination of them. The most important thing is you KEEP learning and seeking knowledge to gain the skills you need in your chosen life.

I started out at CSM (back then CCCC) because it was what I could afford with the student loans I took out. I paid those loans off, found that I needed a bachelor's degree in my chosen line of work, and paid up front for my classes at UMUC. After that, I got my master's degree for ME because it was always a goal I wanted for myself. CSM was the perfect stepping stone for me to the higher degrees and the education I got there was first rate.

Believe me, it's tough working full-time and going to school too, much less raising kids at the same time. My hat is off to anyone who can do all that.