Where they at????


Dancing Up A Storm
Aimhigh2000 said:
Anyone realize that Edwards is now unemployed? He quit the Senate to run. I guess my taxes will be paying for his unemployment.
Don't feel too badly for the boy.

Don't you recall that he amassed some $39 million dollars as a trial lawyer, winning medical malpractice suits before becoming a US Senator?

I think he can hold on with his meager savings for a while.(Depending on Elizabeths' eating habits!)


Football addict
Kizzy said:
Let them go ahead and throw Hillary into the race, it would be nice to have a landslide election for a change instead of this tight, hold your breath, nail bitting, floor pacing elections we have had the last 2 races.
Does anyone seriously think Hillary can win the primaries of 08'?:boo:


Football addict
fttrsbeerwench said:
No way!!! She's a creepy ogre!!
She's also very left leaning, something the Dems don't need in the 08' presidential races. I think being the wife of a former president might hold her back as well. Just being affiliated with Bill Clinton might spark some democratic votes but certainly not enough to win the nomination. Do you really think that after 8 years of Bush the country is going to pull a 'Carter', I don't think so. If anything I think it would be smart for her to stay in the Empire state.


New Member
I think that if a woman ever ran for president, she needs less testicles than her husband.

Anatomically speaking.

I want Oprah in '08!



sweetlilsista73 said:
<in my best shy southern girl accent> Why? You got sumpin' ailse yoo wanna talwk about?
<bat eyes> :love:
<shuffle feet> :killingme


Are you an Elephant or a Donkey?

Perhaps a Pinetree


New Member
Voter2002 said:
Where is Sparx? Where is Urbanpancake? Cowering in a corner and bawling???? UP was about the most hate-mongering Dem on here...Sparx a close second.....

Just wanted to thumb my nose at 'em at all the hysteria they posted here that did them no good.

At least Dems4me had the steel pair to show up here again after the election and concede defeat. The cowards they are, I doubt we'll see UP & Sparx anytime soon.

Just visited the DU site.....cups of Kool-Aid being passed around to all (aka Jim Jones style....).

Hard fought election...best person won....deal with it UP & Sparx!

I think the two biggest things that prevented Kerry from being elected was the flip/flopping and the refusal to release ALL his Navy records (just what was he hiding???? We'll never know...).

I for one, was in my home state of OH working to get out the vote. Been there since Oct.23rd. I was actualy thinking of what I was going to say on this board If Kerry had won. I had made up my mind I was going to be gracious and simpathetic to all of you republicans even after all the crap that was said on these boards in the last year. It does my heart good to know I would have taken the high road on this and you could not. So, enjoy the next 4 years and I hope none of you or yours losses your job overseas or get killed in Iraq. So long, enjoy,


Dancing Up A Storm
Larry Gude said:
...I suppose that is one view.
I also thought it was a very measured, dejected statement. Notice how most of it centered on what he was going to say?

A classic case of denial, what would have and could have been.

Notice the So Long? Not once but twice; I'd be surprised if we see that much of him in the future.


Nothing to see here
Sparx said:
I had made up my mind I was going to be gracious and simpathetic to all of you republicans even after all the crap that was said on these boards in the last year.

Wish I could be like you, you're my hero

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/otterzzz/W_picture.jpg">


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sparx said:
So, enjoy the next 4 years and I hope none of you or yours losses your job overseas or get killed in Iraq. So long, enjoy,
Melodrama is a liberal strong suit. They do it better than anyone else.


We all knew you were not here for rational discussion or debate, but only to inflame and gaze down your cyber snoot at us low intellect slobs. You got what you deserved here and I do not apologize at all for anything I have ever said to you. You figured that your cut and paste bomb and run campaign was going to educate the stupid masses? Just like your party leadership you were wrong. Only a self serving elitist liberal would show up someplace, bait, inflame and parrot divisive party rhetoric then cry foul and act like a pouting wussy when jacked up. You are out of touch with real America because the AFL-CIO has hooked up an IV of stupid and turned it up full.

I am not going to argue “mandate” but you and like thinking (I use the term loosely in your case) might want to look at facts.

Republican pick up in the House

Republican pick up in the Senate

Senate Minority leader shown the door for being caustic, obstructive and out of touch with constituents.

Gay marriage soundly defeated in 11 out of 11 states.

Good riddance to you :cheers: and a hearty welcome to any old school decent Democrats who have not learned to McAuliffe every issue.
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