Where to live in Calvert county?


New Member
New to the board. Need a little help if you'd be so kind. I am looking to move to Calvert County. Can I get some advice on best locations? Is it worth my drive to the Pax Naval base to live in Huntington? What about southern Calvert County neighberhoods? The only area I've heard to stay away from is the Ranch Estates. Thanks in advance.


professional daydreamer
Half the people on the forums live in Ranch Club. Stay away from White Sands. Very ghetto.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why does the Ranch Club have this negative image? :confused:

Huntingtown is a bit of a drive to Pax - with traffic and all, you're probably better off getting closer in. If you work at Pax, the very best place to live, IMO, is south of the base. Everyone else is coming from the north so it makes your commute a lot easier during rush hour.

Lots of folks live in Prince Frederick and commute to Pax - they'll get on here shortly and tell you all about it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by mAlice
What negative image?
We've had several people come on looking for information and saying others have told them to stay away from the Ranch Club. When I wanted to buy there, I got the same thing from practically everyone I talked to - except the people that actually live there. THEY said it was a great place.

So I'm just curious.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Why does the Ranch Club have this negative image? :confused:
It's not really a negative image. Just that every house in the Ranch Club is built on a hill or in a canyon. A little exageration, but mostly true. And you have to pay fees every year for the priviledge of living in a private community. I live in Drum Point, also a private community. We don't have the fees the Ranch Club has, but we are still paying a special tax to have our roads brought up to county standards so we can turn them over to the county. The Ranch Club is doing the same thing.


PREMO Member
I used to live with the low lifes in the CRE. The HOA is terrible, so I sold and moved to the upper class (Leonardtown).


New Member
What about the kids sports programs (both rec and schools) and the schools in southern Calvert? I have Elementary to HS kids who love sports. I, of course, want the combination of sports and education. Just to clarify, I heard the Ranch estates has a lot of rentals. That may or may not be true.


Be about it
I live in Prince Frederick and like it a ton. I'm moving to be closer to work, family, etc..., though. The drive to Pax wasn't bad since it was a straight shot, but it's a definite b*tch if you leave the base at 4:30 b/c traffic to the bridge gets very backed up and it'll take you a long time. It takes about 35 minutes to get from my house to the Rte. 4/Rte. 235 intersection.


Forgot to mention a few things about Calvert County. The school system is great, but overcrowded because the dumb azzez in the county didn't build them big enough. They built enough schools, just not big enough. Patuxent High School was overcrowded the first year after they built it. Didn't antipate all the new jobs on the base and the amount of people that would move into the area. The only bad thing about living in Calvert is the traffic over the bridge, but then the traffic is bad everywhere.


New Member
Thanks for the feedback Vince. How is Patuxent High School? As far as overcrowding, all the schools in St. Mary's are overcrowded with no relief in site. Calvert will have it's 5th HS before STM has it's 4th.


Originally posted by bugel
Thanks for the feedback Vince. How is Patuxent High School? As far as overcrowding, all the schools in St. Mary's are overcrowded with no relief in site. Calvert will have it's 5th HS before STM has it's 4th.
The new High School in Huntington, just north of Prince Frederick, will be opening this fall. It will give some relief to Patuxent.


Originally posted by Vince
The new High School in Huntington, just north of Prince Frederick, will be opening this fall. It will give some relief to Patuxent.


My son will go to the new Huntingtown HS this coming Fall. With Huntingtown HS opening this Fall which will give some relief to Northern HS and Calvert HS.

Calvert HS will take in some of the kids that used to go to Patuxent HS.

Calvert County is the smallest county in the whole state of MD in term of land size. ( saw it printed somewhere) So since Calvert co is relatively small and easy to reach other counties in about 10-20 minutes driving.
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The Smart Hooker
Not all of White Sands is "ghetto" or "bad." I use to have a house there before we moved to Florida. I however didn't live in the front where most of the trouble was, I lived down in the very back near the water. My house sold in about 2 weeks. My mom has a house in the back too. She has NEVER had a problem. When I lived there their HOA wasn't the very best. Since then they have done alot of changes. I went back for a visit and it has definitely picked up and changed.

I wouldn't move on the main road (White Sands Drive.) But further in the back. Plus they have nicer new sections back there. Same goes for The Ranch Club. There are some great places and then you have a few of the bad. I know a few people that live back there and actually like it.

I guess it depends on where you look.