Wheres this pond


desertrat said:
That would be nice, we could send him a "get dry soon" card. :lmao:

OMG that would be Hilarious.

Mark the out side of the envelopes with a warning like:

Parashible keep from extreme moisture :killingme

General Lee

Well-Known Member
kris31280 said:
You speak as if you know me, when in fact you do not.

I've got no problem with police enforcing the laws, however I think there's a big difference between chasing a 4 wheeler because god forbid it's on a road and catching a serial rapist that's escalating on his way to murdering his victims.

Sure, there's far less actual violent crime out there than there is traffic violations... but I'm sure the cop could've been doing something more useful than checking out what was in the bottom of the pond.

God forbid, You'd B!tch about that as well.

Nice Karma BTW, I could care less about a little red Karma. You need mind your business and worry about yourself and not everyone else around you. Maybe you wouldn't have 123 posts in the short time you have been a member.


Well-Known Member
The show Survivor had the original premise of putting people on an island with Chuck Norris. There were no survivors, and nobody is brave enough to go to the island to retrieve the footage.


General Lee said:
Karma: 07-31-2007 01:04 PM STFU dumbass

Hmmm, I wonder who this is from??

Is that the best you can come up with?
That's NOT from me... if it was from me, I'd sign it... especially to you.


Well-Known Member
General Lee said:
Good Ole' police work, don't see that anymore. Probably deserved it anyway, Props to the PO!!

So when a minor trespasses or has a traffic violation, we ram them with a car? Yeah, that's good police work. :bigwhoop:


Apparently I've got a broom parked around here... or at least that's what my karma says...

Anyone see where I happened to lay it?
Crow Bait said:
What about ducks? Do they get any ducks at that pond?
Nah, just the occasional pig.

Sorry, I never actually refer to our law enforcment guys like that, it's only a cheap joke.