Christians don't seem to be able to agree on their own religion.
Why do Christians feel the need to recruit? Ninety percent of my PM's on this subject have been efforts to bring me to the religion.
Is following the only way to understand?"
Oh come on. I didn't try to recruit you.

I actually shared information that I have found through doing my own research and seeking out classes and instruction in my free time. And I am not part of any diabolical cult. Though there were a few times when....
Anyway, again, Christianity is based on the New Testament.
The New Testament, if you actually sit down and read it, has the teachings of Jesus.
Jesus taught in "parables", which encouraged his followers to think and interpret his teachings in the way that best suited them.
Therefore, since there are so many interpretations, there many choices in a Christian church. But like ANY religion, it has to feel good to you to be right for you.
No, you don't have to join a Church and be a follower to understand the basic tenats and principles. And no you don't have to be a follower to seek further study and clarification. However, you do have to truly pursue a path towards educating yourself and take the time to immerse yourself in it. You can't wash your hands of something and say it's all wrong, cause you didn't even give a chance. However, you won't learn anything if you aren't open minded.
I could also say that ANYTHING you choose to give to, whether time, money, etc. has to be something that you personally feel good about doing, otherwise you wouldn't do it just cause somebody said so. Some people want to give and share, not just with their churches, but to the world in general. If you send out something positive, you get something positive in return. And that's not just a Christian belief. I see that in Hinduism, Taoism, Buddahists, and even Greenies.