whistleblower says 25 security clearance denials were reversed during Trump administration


PREMO Member
A White House whistleblower told lawmakers that more than two dozen denials for security clearances have been overturned during the Trump administration, calling Congress her “last hope” for addressing what she considers improper conduct that has left the nation’s secrets exposed.

Tricia Newbold, a longtime White House security adviser, told the House Oversight and Reform Committee that she and her colleagues issued “dozens” of denials for security clearance applications that were later approved despite their concerns about blackmail, foreign influence or other red flags, according to panel documents released Monday.

Newbold, an 18-year veteran of the security clearance process who has served under both Republican and Democratic presidents, said she warned her superiors that clearances “were not always adjudicated in the best interest of national security” — and that she faced retaliation for doing so.



Well-Known Member
The House and the Courts need to take immediate action. This is no joke here. We are talking about some of the most sensitive information.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
White House officials whose security clearances are being scrutinized by the House Oversight Committee include the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump, her husband Jared Kushner and national security adviser John Bolton, according to the panel’s letter.

Yes, that Russian spy Ivanka Trump. Just like her Dad.


You'd think these people would be more original.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The House and the Courts need to take immediate action. This is no joke here. We are talking about some of the most sensitive information.

Oh yeah, now you care. Dianne Feinstein and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had actual real foreign spies close to them and you didn't think that was worth worrying about.


If I may ...
If I may ...

Let's not forget that all of Hillary's State Department emails were intercepted during her, [and she had clearance], tenure there because of her personal email server in someone's house. And, didn't the same thing happen under Obama? Think it did. Too lazy to research it though.


Well-Known Member
If I may ...

Let's not forget that all of Hillary's State Department emails were intercepted during her, [and she had clearance], tenure there because of her personal email server in someone's house. And, didn't the same thing happen under Obama? Think it did. Too lazy to research it though.
“But her emails.” Give it a rest.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
“But her emails.” Give it a rest.

So, to recap:

Trump is a Russian spy based on no evidence.

Hillary is not a Russian spy, although she left her email server wide open for them and sent/received classified information that they easily intercepted. And then she lied about it.

Is that about right?


PREMO Member
So, to recap:

Trump is a Russian spy based on no evidence.

Hillary is not a Russian spy, although she left her email server wide open for them and sent/received classified information that they easily intercepted. And then she lied about it.

Is that about right?

DNC Training Program.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, now you care. Dianne Feinstein and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had actual real foreign spies close to them and you didn't think that was worth worrying about.
Jimmy doesn't do complex; you have to keep it simple. Orange man bad kind of simple.


First you said:

The House and the Courts need to take immediate action. This is no joke here. We are talking about some of the most sensitive information.

Then you said:

“But her emails.” Give it a rest.

If I didn't know better I would say that you are just blindly following along party lines regardless of how inconsistent your mindset has to be or how much contortion you have to engage in to make it fit.

Try exercises in "Independent Thought" and "Critical Thinking". I'm sure there are some sites on those subject and how liberating it can be when you're not just regurgitating a cliched party line.

You can thank me later.


Resident PIA
If I may ...

Let's not forget that all of Hillary's State Department emails were intercepted during her, [and she had clearance], tenure there because of her personal email server in someone's house. And, didn't the same thing happen under Obama? Think it did. Too lazy to research it though.
the issue wasn't the server or where it was located, a good number of high ranking officials have such government supplied servers for use when they are not in their office. The problmes were mixing government and personal functions, namely the Clinton Foundation, along with poor security measures.
A number of high profile democrats had a firm that was run by a family from Pakistan (who were also charged with other crimes) providing IT services in their House and Senate offices.
John Bolton has held other highly sensitive positions hefore, so you have to wonder who adn why they would not grant his clearance.
Which makes the entire story sound a bit sketchy. But on the otherhand, it would be nice to have those with connections have to live by the standards set (by them) for us mortals.