White House releases Bush's National Guard records


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PREMO Member
WASHINGTON — The White House, facing election-year questions about President Bush’s military service, released pay records and other information Tuesday that it said supports Bush’s assertion that he fulfilled his duty as a member of the Air National Guard during the Vietnam war.

The material included annual retirement point summaries and pay records to show that Bush served.

“When you serve, you are paid for that service. These documents outline the days on which he was paid. That means he served. And these documents also show he met his requirements,” press secretary Scott McClellan told reporters. “And it’s just really a shame that people are continuing to bring this up.”

“These documents clearly show that the president fulfilled his duties,” McClellan said.

Photocopied payroll records distributed by the White House were not all legible. The White House promised clearer copies later Tuesday afternoon.

The documents indicate that Bush received credit for nine days of active duty between May 1972 and May 1973, the period that has been cited by Democrats as evidence that Bush shirked his military responsibilities.

A memo written by retired Lt. Col. Albert Lloyd Jr, at the request of the White House, said a review of Bush’s records showed that he had “satisfactory years” for the period of 1972-73 and 1973-74 “which proves that he completed his military obligation in a satisfactory manner.”

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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The material included annual retirement point summaries and pay records to show that Bush served.

Hey, JLab, try saying that the BEE fabricated those documents or paid someone off. Maybe that will fly.



Sorry about that chief.
Our shirker in chief:


It is amazing that the records turn up one day after the TV interview, couldn't find them 4 years ago. Of course I know that records couldn't have been falsified for a congressman's son. Medical records don't exist.


But the documents seem unlikely to resolve questions about whether Bush shirked his duty during his tour as a fighter-interceptor pilot for the Texas Air Guard during the Vietnam War. That is because some of the dates on the service list fell during a period in the fall of 1972 when Bush was reassigned to a guard unit in Alabama. The commander of the Alabama unit has said Bush did not appear for duty at his assigned unit there.

Bartlett said the Guard drills Bush is listed as attending in January and April 1973 were probably conducted at Bush's home base in Houston. But on May 2, 1973, Bush's two commanders at Ellington Air Force Base wrote that they could not evaluate his performance for the prior 12 months because he had not been there. Two other Bush superiors said in interviews four years ago that they do not believe Bush ever returned to his Houston base from Alabama.

It won't sway the righteous either way, and is a tempest in a teapot. I know you all love him and will follow blindly. Sorry, not me.


New Member
Who gives a F? I assume you served your time too? This battle will go on until the day he is re-elected. The liberals will cause millions of dollars to be spent on investigations and any other way that they can possibly find something to throw at Bush.

Maybe they should take some of that money they are spending on the investigations for WMD and give it to the welfare programs.... I can't wait for Bush to cut-off all those liberal mooches....


Originally posted by jlabsher
Our shirker in chief:

Speaking of shirking:

I know someone has probably already brought this up, but I'm going to anyway. Were you so critical of the military record of one William Jefferson Clinton who, instead of going to Viet Nam, instead traipsed all around Russia and Europe.

Not even AWOL - but complete dodged the draft. Y'know, "Shirker in chief".

Or is it cool, because he's, like, all honest about it and stuff?

If this topic has already been covered, then nevermind. I just find it remarkably arrogant and hypocritical when Democrats point to Bush's military history, in light of the praise they heap upon Clinton's head - who, in my opinion, acted f'ing deplorably during the same era.


Sorry about that chief.
I'm glad the republicans didn't spend hundreds of millions investigating slick willies willie. And Bush will only give it to the MARRIED CHRISTIAN moochers.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
It is amazing that the records turn up one day after the TV interview, couldn't find them 4 years ago. Of course I know that records couldn't have been falsified for a congressman's son. Medical records don't exist.
There ya go! :yay: I knew you wouldn't disappoint me.


Well-Known Member
It's always good for a laugh.

First it's widely reported that he was "AWOL", a shirker of his duties, and that is why he's a disgrace.

Now it's shown that was all bullsh*t. Normal people say, sorry, I was wrong. Bush haters show no such contrition, they just move the goal post. NOW it's about owning up to your responsibility to go to a war most Democrats thought was wrong to go to ANYWAY. A war most Democrats support Bill Clinton *dodging* - *including* KERRY!

They were WRONG, but now - it's not about that.

Republicans really need to use this tactic, because among the stupider voters, it appears to actually work.

Reminds me of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilian casualties and the years-long drawn out quagmire Iraq was supposed to be. They were WRONG of course, but now, even though it was *right* to oust Saddam, it was wrong to use troops to do it (what they GOING to use? harsh language?) and even though they voted to go there using the same intel the President used, he was wrong - in fact "HE BETRAYED US!" according to Gore - by sending men there. The Congress wasn't to blame, but the President WAS.

You know, when I was a kid and did what the crowd did, I tried to say it was Timmy's idea, but I got paddled just the same. Why does Kerry get a free pass, but Bush doesn't?


New Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
I'm glad the republicans didn't spend hundreds of millions investigating slick willies willie. And Bush will only give it to the MARRIED CHRISTIAN moochers.

In that case, I'm sure there would be plenty of gay liberals turning straight and gettin married... Liberals are known for their steadfast integrity, RIGHT! :rolleyes:


Originally posted by SamSpade
Republicans really need to use this tactic, because among the stupider voters, it appears to actually work.

Republicans are using this tactic.

At first the war was about WMD. Now the WMD were a side-bar, it was really about freeing the Iraqi people from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein. The goalpost was moved.

Not as deftly as the left does it, but it was done.

Now don't get me wrong. I support the war. I don't like being lied to about why we're going to war, but I've always been a supporter of it. I think that the USA needed to kick someone's hind quarters all over the middle east as an example, and Saddam Hussein friggin' deserved it.

If Bush came out right upfront and said that, I still would have supported the war, and he'd have a lot more of my respect right now.