Whitmer Actions and Hyperbole


PREMO Member

This Is the Left: Whitmer Enjoys an Evening Out While 700,000 Michiganders Freeze Without Power

Leftists have already made it abundantly clear that they don’t feel bound to observe the rules they impose upon us. Remember Nancy Pelosi’s hair salon appointment while the salons were closed to other women in 2020 because of the COVID-19 hysteria? Pelosi’s nephew Gavin Newsom was likewise caught dining at a fancy French restaurant in defiance of his own COVID protocols. And now another star of the contemporary Left, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-FBI Kidnapping Hoax), took Thursday evening off to head in to Detroit, where she caught a performance of the musical “Jagged Little Pill” at the Fisher Theatre. This would have been an utterly unremarkable incident were it not for the fact that while Whitmer was enjoying her fun-filled evening out, 700,000 Michiganders were without power, smack in the middle of winter. This, once again, is how the Left governs.

An Instagram user inadvertently blew the whistle on Friday, when she posted a photo of herself with Whitmer, adding the caption: “Met the Governor, I can now say I have the key to the city. #dearborn #dearbornheights #detroit.” The first and only comment on the post, however, was less bubbly: “Oh hell nah. Tell her to get her a** to f**king work on the power.”

The commenter had good reason to be annoyed with Whitmer. The far-Left governor certainly was behaving like an entitled monarch indifferent to the suffering of her hapless subjects. The Detroit Free Press reported Thursday that “the freezing rain and ice storm that blew through Michigan downed trees and limbs, cut power to about 700,000 homes and businesses, closed schools and offices, suspended the QLINE, delayed air travel, caused car crashes and killed a firefighter in Paw Paw, who was electrocuted.”


PREMO Member

Gov. Whitmer blasted for 'gaslighting' residents on COVID-19 restrictions, admitting some didn't make sense

Despite claiming the ban was in February, Whitmer's executive order limiting seed and gardening sales spanned into April 2020.

"Gretchen Whitmer is backpedaling as she plots her political future," Tudor Dixon, Whitmer's GOP opponent in the 2022 midterm elections, told Fox News Digital of the comments regarding the pandemic.

"She once again attempts to gaslight the people of Michigan into thinking she bears no responsibility for the tyrannical, confusing and cruel lockdown policies she put in place. Her heavy-handed decisions crushed businesses, student achievement and livelihoods in our state and none of her lies can hide these horrible but true facts," the Republican said of her former opponent.

Peter Meijer, former GOP congressman from Michigan, also slammed the Democratic governor, suggesting Whitmer lied about the timeline of the seed ban and that it was in the spring, not in February as she had told Wallace.


Well-Known Member
Did her constituents hold her responsible & boot her out of office?
Then who gives a chit. Hell, let her start sending her people off to Concentration Camps.
Apparently Michiganders like that sort of abuse


PREMO Member
In October, Whitmer announced "Project Elephant," a plan for Gotion to build a $2.3 billion battery plant in Big Rapids, Mich., calling it a "transformational investment." Whitmer aimed to grant Gotion hundreds of millions of dollars of state incentives, but the funding was paused after pushback over the company’s China ties.

The pushback grew last week after a reported meeting in Afghanistan to discuss Chinese access to the nation's vast lithium reserves.

On Thursday, executives of a Chinese company met with Afghan Minister of Minerals and Petroleum Shahabuddin Delawar, a senior leader of the Taliban, and offered a $10 billion investment for access to Afghanistan's lithium deposits. The company was identified as "Gochin" on the ministry's website.



PREMO Member
This Democrat's Shady Past of Avoiding FOIA Requests In Effort to Hide Crucial Info From the Public

A consultant for Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.) used Greek and "coded messaging" to hide sensitive information from the public regarding her administration.

According to a report, In September 2021, Andrew Leavitt, a consultant with the Michigan Department of Energy, used Greek in an email to Whitmer's senior energy adviser, Kara Cook. A lawsuit alleges that the Greek letters were used to avoid having to cooperate with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Using Greek letters, Leavitt's emails would have been excluded from public record requests for government communications containing the word "Flint."

Leavitt reportedly emailed Cook in response to "some major red flags" with the administration's actions following a lead water crisis in southwestern Michigan, in which he compared it to a problem similar to the Flint water situation.

The lawsuit alleges that Whitmer's administration relied on coded messages in a "calculated" effort to "conceal" crucial information from the public record on the local water crisis, which exceeded the federal standards for lead levels.


Well-Known Member
Did her constituents hold her responsible & boot her out of office?
Then who gives a chit. Hell, let her start sending her people off to Concentration Camps.
Apparently Michiganders like that sort of abuse
Nearly two million did NOT vote for her.

I keep seeing this sentiment especially regarding people like governors - the problem with being unconcerned is, these governors rule with an iron fist BUT THEIR Gestapo tactics tend to fall on their conservative opponents. The very people who CAN vote them out. The ones who vote FOR them - they're not suffering so much.

What they do is broaden their power until you have states like California, Illinois, DC and Massachusetts where one party so strongly rules over the populace, there's not much can be done. When one party rules, elections become irrelevant and power is passed on through political patronage.


PREMO Member

Newly Discovered Michigan Election Corruption Parallels Georgia!

Michigan Voter Registration Fraud

The entire state of Michigan owes a special thank you to The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft, Patty McMurray, Ben Wetmore, Dr. Phil O’Hallaron, Braden Giacobazzi, and Ann Meisch for the recent bombshell revelation of massive amounts of fraudulent voter registrations and the ensuing cover-up by the Michigan State Police and the FBI.

Excerpts for The Gateway Post Articles

“EVIDENCE OF TIES TO THE MI DEMOCRATIC PARTY? Newly Obtained Muskegon Police Report Reveals GBI Strategies Was Hired by “Empower Michigan” Project that Shares Address with MI Dem Party“

“On August 8, the Gateway Pundit revealed a major fraudulent voter registration operation that had been under investigation for almost 3 years in Michigan that spanned several cities across the state. Although the investigation involved lead investigators working for Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel and at least one analyst working for Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, the true depth of the investigation and the shocking details uncovered by the MI State Police and Muskegon Police Department were hidden from the public. Publications like The Detroit News downplayed the investigation and wrote an article to debunk a MI STATE POLICE REPORT titled, Michigan probe into fraudulent voter registrations referred to FBI, suggesting that the Gateway Pundit was a conspiracy site for daring to report on the details found in the MI State Police report we obtained exclusively from Phil O’Halloran of MI-District 9 and Director of Election Integrity for the MI GOP.”

Why a Veteran-Owned Freeze-Dried Beef Company Unabashedly Embraces an America First Worldview
“Three weeks ago, the MI GOP Director of Election Integrity, Phil O’Halloran, gave Patty McMurray and Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit a stunning MI State Police report that was FOIA’d by a Muskegon resident who questioned the outcome of his race in the 2020 election. The report is based on an investigation that was initiated on October 8, 2020, that was eventually taken over by the FBI in 2022.

After publishing the report that exposed a massive cover-up by Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel and Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson of an explosive, statewide investigation by the MI State Police, Muskegon, MI Police Department, we began to receive tips from individuals who read our story and wanted to help us close the gaps in the highly redacted MI State Police report.”

Today, The Gateway Pundit reprinted a Blockbuster article from Georgia that parallels the fraud in Michigan! The author, Chris Gleason, and a contributor from the Epoch Times, Steven Kovac, along with help from Wisconsin’s “Election Watch” Peter Bernegger that made the EXPLOSIVE.


PREMO Member

Whitmer signs Michigan’s 100% clean energy mandate into law

“Our 100% clean energy standard will make Michigan a national leader: top-five nationwide and No. 1 in the Midwest,” Whitmer told elated supporters at a signing ceremony in Detroit.

Targets are set for 15% “renewable” energy (nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal and hydropower) through 2029, 50% by 2030 and 60% by 2035.

A target of 80% “clean” energy is set for 2035 and then 100% five years later. Allowed under this definition is natural gas – a carbon-emitting source – provided utilities can become 90% effective at using carbon capture and sequestration.


“Utility companies will raise their rates, blackouts and brownouts will hit more often, and the state will overrule communities and put wind and solar farms anywhere,” House Minority Leader Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, posted Tuesday on X.

Whitmer, however, claimed that Michigan households’ energy costs will drop by an average of $145 per year, and the new laws will create 160,000 “good-paying” clean energy jobs. Those figures are from an August study by green energy consultant 5 Lakes Energy.

The jobs figure, though, is 158,260 in the study. And they’re defined as “job-years” by 2050, meaning every year an individual job exists counts as one job-year.

]Yeah locals do not want these eye sores in their back yards .... now Whitmer can say Uck Foo and cut deal with the Bid Green Energy and put Wind and Solar farms where ever she wants and who pays the most in campaign contributions ]

A major roadblock to widespread clean energy production has been rural communities voting down proposals. Too many townships, experts say, have rejected proposed solar fields and wind farms in recent years, often for aesthetic reasons alone.

State control of permitting for solar, wind and power storage projects with a capacity of 100 megawatts or more is the only way to push back, lawmakers have said.


While Republicans argue these new laws subvert local governments, Democrats argue they support property owners who want these projects on their land but have been stopped by local opponents who sometimes use misinformation and high-pressure tactics.

[ Ah yes good old ' misinformation claims ]

“Our perspective is simple: It’s your land,” Whitmer said. “You should have the freedom to use it however you want.”

[How long until property is confiscated with Eminent Domain ]

Both climate action advocates and farmers testified to the legislature that state control over these installations is the only way to get off fossil fuels fast enough to meet Michigan’s renewable energy goals.

Bills the governor signed Tuesday also make it easier for Michiganders to put solar panels on their roofs and install heat pumps. And there will be a new state office to support energy and auto workers affected by the green energy shift.

I am sure this will work out much better then the result Germany ended up with ...... now scrambling to Reopen Coal Mines and buying Electricity from France which is largely Nuclear

You would think progressives would look at the winter time problems Texas has with Green Energy Production something Progressives lit to make fun of Texas being a Red State


Well-Known Member
She also said no one could travel out of state, then she went to Florida.

She said no one could visit their vacation homes, then her husband got caught visiting theirs.