This Space for Rent
spicy said:Why do people not understand that naggers are people who nag? CAN YOUR SIMPLE MINDS JUST NOT COMPREHEND IT??? My mother is a nagger. It's annoying. I don't get it? Am I also not allowed to use the word renege or reneger because it sounds like I might be saying something else?
nag1 /næg/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nag] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, nagged, nag·ging, noun
Also, nagger. a person who nags, esp. habitually.
Is this clear/simple enough for you to understand?
I bet thats what you say to all those you hate to try and make it okay.
"Its okay. I have friends who are naggers."
"I understand your people. My mom is a nagger."