Who do you think will win District 5?


New Member
I bet it'll be Brad Jewitt. During his campaign, Jewitt is out speaking to and listening to the constituents of District 5.

Where is Hoyer during all of this? Since he's the Minority Whip, he's out endorsing candidates of other congressional districts. This is unacceptable because it clearly shows that Hoyer is not concerned for his constituents. Just b/c he is the Minority Whip ins't justification to re-elect him.



Hoyer is a force to be reckoned with.... My spin, Jewitt will take it! Then my grandma will hang herself from the rafters! :otter:


New Member
I honestly can't believe you people can believe that number one, Brad Jewitt is a credible candidate, and number two, that Steny Hoyer is in some way vulnerable. Hoyer received 70% of the vote last time out, and carried each county, even though 2002 was a Republican year and he had not been elected Democratic whip. The 5th District voted for Kathleen Kennedy Townsend and voted overwhelmingly for Al Gore. Hoyer has been in the House since 1981; Brad Jewitt was the mayor of some small town. Come on people...it's fine to be a Republican and oppose Hoyer, but to believe that you can somehow beat him is unrealisitic and unless he announces that he's gay or something.


New Member
That was then

It's time for a change and the change is Jewitt. I agree, in the past, District 5 has overwhelmingly voted for the democratic ticket and heavily supported Gore in 2000. Since then, the population of District 5 has constantly been on the rise.

From friends and neighbors I have spoken to that voted for Gore, have told me outright that they will not vote for Kerry this election year.

With Hoyer being the Minority Whip, it's just a facade. With his high rank, Hoyer is more than likely to listen to his constituents in Congress than the citizens of District 5.

The point is that Hoyer doesn't care about District 5, he's lost touch with the people, and his previous voting record shows it.


You're all F'in Mad...
I'm a Republican, and will vote that way. It will simply be a protest vote as Jewitt or anyone else doesn't stand a chance against the Hoyer machine. I'd put my money on a snowball in hell first.


Well-Known Member
Maybe a protest vote against Hoyer will get his attention but I doubt it. We could do worse.

Rapture Man

New Member
Has anyone seen any polls? Jewitt has been far more visible than any opponent of Hoyer's opponents than I can think of. Yes the district did vote for KKT but it was a very slim majority. I agree -- it's time for a change.
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New Member
I would go as far to bet that Hoyer wins; taking at least 65% of the vote (most likely more).

That doesn't mean I'm in favor of the kook, I just know what good my vote against him is going to be...


New Member
As much as it pains me to say, the only way Hoyer will lose District 5 is if he withdraws from the race. Stenny has that job for life. He has too many people in this district that think he is the only reason they have jobs, that if we vote him out of office, we'd all be handed pink slips tomorrow.

Rapture Man

New Member
65%+ is what Hoyer may have received in the past... but this time there seems to be 1) a much more visible opponent and 2) more ppl indignant at his being so out of touch with his constituents and his liberal voting record.