Who doesn't like a stupid criminal video?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I scour the bowels of the internet for the stupid criminal videos so you don't have to. Enjoy.

FWIW, I would have made that gal employee of the year.



Well-Known Member
No video, but my brother was a store manager for Safeway years ago. He was in the manager cubicle counting money when he was robbed at gunpoint. Police came, took the report and caught the guy a couple days later. Brother went to court to identify the guy and the guy got 4 years. Well, he was let out on probation after 2 yrs or so. Brother was still at the same Safeway...Same guy comes in, sticks a gun in my brothers face and said 'You know the drill, Glenn, give me all the money' Didn't take 2 days to catch the guy this time..:lol:


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
This 1 is tough to watch. My guess is that this woman cop didn't want to appear weak. This guy is clearly not gonna comply but he's not physically threatening anyone either. If she just chatted him up a little longer until backup arrived then nobody would have ended up getting shot. Police gal should find another line of work.
